A loose paper found at Devon Heritage Centre contains the following Customs of Bratton Clovelly for payment of tithes in the early 1600s. Based on comparison with the names of individuals in the separate Devon rates for the repair of the church in 1601 and 1610, it seems likely that these tithe customs were prepared between 1601 and 1610.
If you wish to search for a specific surname or property, you can use the search box at the top right corner of the table below. Beware that spellings were not standardised in this timeframe.
Bratton Clavelly. The Customes of the s[ai]d p[ar]ishe for paym[en]t of Tythes as followeth | |
Imprimis | every man & his wife fore theire offeringes or oblacons 0-0-2d |
I[m]p[rimis] | every mans sonne daughter & servant the firste yeare that he shee doe receive 0-0-[…]-0[…] |
I[m]p[rimis] | after the firste yeare that he shee or they doe receive 0-0-1-0[…] |
I[m]p[rimis] | yf any man or p[ar]son w[i]thin the s[ai]d p[ar]ishe having any corne or grayne there receive […]-0-0-0 |
they may soe[?] macthe or tythe the same by […]itage or sheafe whee or they list as the carrying thereof | |
I[m]p[rimis] | yf any w[i]thin the s[ai]d p[ar]ishe havinge fouer calves fallen & weaned w[i]thin one yeare the p[ar]son his farmer or deputy muste have a calfe. And then the parson farmer or deputy must paye to the p[ar]ty that soe yeeldeth or payeth a calfe 1-0[…] to make […] for that yeare 0-0-1-0[…] |
I[m]p[rimis] | yf any p[er]son havinge[…] 10 calves fallen & weaned then the 10th calfe: yf above 10 to paye for every calfe solde 1- reared -0[…] & to make even every Easter 0-0-1-0[…] |
I[m]p[rimis] | every p[er]son havinge w[i]thin 7 fallen & weaned in one yeare then to pay yearly to the p[ar]son farmer or deputy for every calfe solde 1- & for every sutche calfe reared -0[…] |
I[m]p[rimis] | yf any p[er]son w[i]thin the s[ai]d p[ar]ishe having 10 lambes fallen & weaned in one yeare then to pay unto the p[ar]son or farmer one lambe. yf any p[er]son have but 7 then the person [parson?] farmer or deputy is likewise to receive one of the s[ai]d p[ar]tye & to pay him to make even for that yeare 0-0-0-0[…] |
I[m]p[rimis] | the like for pigges & geese |
I[m]p[rimis] | for firewood or hearthe or smoake garden & orcharde fir eache 0-0-1-0 |
I[m]p[rimis] | every householder w[i]thin the s[ai]d p[ar]ishe at his or theire pleasure in […] of pultery egges sutche & […] soe many as the householder listeth |
I[m]p[rimis] | for every cocke […]aled 0-0-1-0 |
I[m]p[rimis] | in leiwe of which: vz: milke butter & cheese for every renued fowe -1d not renued -0[…] for every hen[?] –[…] |
I[m]p[rimis] | the milles called Bratton Milles is to paye yearely 0-0-8-0 |
The Customes for paym[en]t of Tythinge […] as followeth | |
West p[ari]she | |
Imprimis | |
Eastburneby | 8d |
West Burneby | 4d |
Reggeston | 3d |
Coombp[ar]ke | 5d |
Eastlake | 5d |
Goddiscott | 5d |
Mooretowne Easte | 2d |
Mooretowne West | 2d |
Wreyes Meade | 2d |
Yeotowne | 2d |
Stodden | 2d |
Downetowne | 2d |
[note: all of West parish] | Whereof 3s4d to be payd to the p[ar]son or farmer upon Easter daye betweene […] & [… … … …] 2d to some poore man of the p[ar]ishe |
John Smale for halfe of West Burrough | 0s4d |
John Allin for a ten[emen]t in Bratton towne | 0s3d |
Alice Tolle for a ten[enemen]t in Broadecrafte | 0s3d |
Symon Eastbrooke for his tenem[en]t | 0s3d |
Northe Breysell | 1s0d |
Swaddledowne | 1s4d |
Langw[or]thy | 1s2d |
Risdon | 0s6d |
Lower Vowden | 1s4d |
East Hiddesdon | 0s3d |
Cuddambeake | 0s1d |
East Burroughe | 0s9d |
Richard Pengelly Junior for his tenem[en]t | 0s4d |
John Braddon | 0s1d |
Fursedon | 1s4d |
Elacot | 1s8d |
Blackebroome | 1s4d |
Over Vowden | 1s4d |
Kelhouse | 0s6d |
Milletowne | 0s6d |
Richard Pengelly Senior | 0s2d |
Voolsdon | 0s3d |
John Metter | 0s9d |
Tho[mas] Cocke | 0s3d |
John Hockedy | 0s5d |
Wrixell w[i]th the Coate[?] | 1s4d |
Moreston | 1s4d |
The Barten | 1s4d |
Mendy | 0s4d |
John Hockedy of Burroughe | 0s4d |
Rude w[i]th Rude P[ar]ke | 0s9d |
Little Burroughe | 0s6d |
John Chasty | 0s3d |
John Downe | 0s3d |
Anthony Sargeant | 0s3d |
Richard Walter | 0s4d |
Tho[mas] Bickell | 0s4d |
Wid[ow] Methrell | 0s1d |
George Maye | 0s2d |
Walter Reede for a tenem[en]t in Broadecrafte | 0s1d |
Borseley | 1s4d |
Methrell is discharged by Northe Coombe | |
Southebreysell is discharged by Northe braysell | |
Norrishis tenem[en]t in Bratton towne is discharged by the Barten |