
This is another aspect of our research still in its early days. We already have enough data transcribed to do a number of analyses, so this list will grow. We’d like to hear from others interested in these sorts of studies or who have studies from other places that might be used for comparison. Please check the Sources section for more detail on study sources.

Bratton Clovelly PopulationPopulation

Bratton Clovelly probably had a population of around 200 people at the time of Domesday and may have already reached a population of over 400 people by the latter 16th century …


In 1818, a group of Methodists known as the Bible Christians arrived in the rural parish of Bratton Clovelly, Devon to spread the evangelical message of salvation for all …

Population Ebb and FlowMigration

Bratton Clovelly became an early victim of Victorian rural depopulation, losing one-fifth of its population between 1841 and 1851, the beginning of a decline that continued …

Acreage by Land Use TypeLand Use

The variety of land uses reflects the economy of sheep and cattle farming, several dairy farms and the timber sales that can be seen in historic newspapers …

Surnames 1901-1950 - smallSurnames

In this analysis, the most enduring surname appears to be Voaden, seen as Vawden in the 1641 sample and only absent from the 1674 and 1901-1950 samples …

Bratton Clovelly OccupationsOccupations

These charts are derived from the census ‘Occupation’ field. The 1851 occupation statistics represent 45% of the total 696 Bratton Clovelly residents …