St Mary’s Parish Cemetery

While the burial registers for St Mary’s Parish Church survive back to 1555, almost all of the gravestones in the cemetery that remain legible enough to determine who is buried there are from the 1800s and later. The earliest grave we have been able to identify in the cemetery is that of John Luxmoor who died in 1674/75 and his wife Temperance who died in 1711. Another ten or so graves from the 1700s have also been identified. The latest gravestones shown are from the early part of 2016. We hope to add more recent burials in a future visit to Bratton Clovelly and we would welcome improved high-resolution photos or better transcripts of the inscriptions for any graves.

For graves found to date inside the church dating back to 1603, see St Mary’s Graves Inside Church.

Sincerest thanks to Ross Morton who put all of the parish burials along with gravestone inscriptions and photos where available into FindAGrave. Click on the FindAGrave links below to see his further research on each person. If you find an error or have additional information for a FindAGrave memorial, you can contact Ross from the FindAGrave memorial page.

The graves are ordered by name. If you would prefer to view them in a different order, press the relevant column header below. Click on the images to enlarge.


InscriptionFind A Grave Ref
Grace Abbott, 1801208GraceAbbott1801Sacred to the memory of
William Abbott
of this parish who departed
this life the 27th day of March 1824
Aged 61 years.
Also John Son of the above
who died the 8th day of November 1823
Aged 32 years.
Also Grace his daughter
who died the ... day of May 1804
Aged 11 years.
John Abbott, 1823208JohnAbbott1823Sacred to the memory of
William Abbott
of this parish who departed
this life the 27th day of March 1824
Aged 61 years.
Also John Son of the above
who died the 8th day of November 1823
Aged 32 years.
Also Grace his daughter
who died the ... day of May 1804
Aged 11 years.
William Abbott, 1824208WilliamAbbott1824Sacred to the memory of
William Abbott
of this parish who departed
this life the 27th day of March 1824
Aged 61 years.
Also John Son of the above
who died the 8th day of November 1823
Aged 32 years.
Also Grace his daughter
who died the ... day of May 1804
Aged 11 years.
Betsy Abell, 1889209BetsyAbell1889In loving memory of
Betsy Abel
daughter of Henry and Betsy Hearn
Who died Feb 27th 1889
Aged 46 years.
Thy will be done.
Cyril Thomas Paige Abell, 1976164Cyril Thomas PaigeAbell1976In loving memory of
Cyril Thomas Paige Abell
of Headson
Died 20th February 1976
Aged 76 years
Also his beloved wife
Edith Stenlake
Died 8th March 1988
Aged 81 years
Edith Stenlake Abell, 1988164Edith StenlakeAbell1988In loving memory of
Cyril Thomas Paige Abell
of Headson
Died 20th February 1976
Aged 76 years
Also his beloved wife
Edith Stenlake
Died 8th March 1988
Aged 81 years
Miriam Abell, 1922
(image only) ,
274MiriamAbell1922In loving memory of
the beloved wife of
Thomas Abell
of East Headson in this parish
who passed away trusting in Jesus
December 2nd 1922
aged 58 years.
Until the day break and the
shadows flee away.
Also Thomas Abell
beloved husband of the above
who died Nov. 3rd 1928
aged 70 years.
Thomas Abell, 1928
(image only) ,
274ThomasAbell1928In loving memory of
the beloved wife of
Thomas Abell
of East Headson in this parish
who passed away trusting in Jesus
December 2nd 1922
aged 58 years.
Until the day break and the
shadows flee away.
Also Thomas Abell
beloved husband of the above
who died Nov. 3rd 1928
aged 70 years.
Annie Adams, 1962279AnnieAdams1962In loving memory of
beloved husband of
Annie Adams
who died Sep. 2nd 1937
aged 66 years
At rest.
Also of Annie
his beloved wife
who died Sept. 12th 1962
aged 88 years.
Douglas Clive Adams, 2012169Douglas CliveAdams2012In loving memory of
Douglas Clive Adams
1952 - 2012
Loved and remembered
by his family and friends
Come my lads let us be jolly
drive away old melancholy
for to grieve it is a folly
when we meet together
Evan Adams, 1899016EvanAdams1899In loving memory of Iscesen
daughter of James & Emily Adams
died March 19th 1899
aged 1 year and […] months
Also of Evan their son
died March 19th 1899
aged 1 month
Suffer little children to come unto me
Ida Morwenna Adams, 2011168Ida MorwennaAdams2011In loving memory of
Percival Richard Adams
1911 - 2010
and his wife
Ida Morwenna Adams
1913 - 2011
Much loved parents and grandparents
Together again.
Iscent Adams, 1899016IscentAdams1899In loving memory of Iscesen
daughter of James & Emily Adams
died March 19th 1899
aged 1 year and […] months
Also of Evan their son
died March 19th 1899
aged 1 month
Suffer little children to come unto me
James Adams, 1906144JamesAdams1906In Loving Memory of
James Adams
the beloved husband of
Sarah Adams
of this parish
who died Oct 14th 1906
aged 66 years
In the midst of life we are in death
wife of the above
who died March 11th 1916
aged 73
John Evely Adams, 1905020John EvelyAdams1905In Loving Memory of
John Evely Adams
died June 15th 1905
aged 42 years
Thy will be done.
Lewis Adams, 1937279LewisAdams1937In loving memory of
beloved husband of
Annie Adams
who died Sep. 2nd 1937
aged 66 years
At rest.
Also of Annie
his beloved wife
who died Sept. 12th 1962
aged 88 years.
Percival Richard Adams, 2010168Percival RichardAdams2010In loving memory of
Percival Richard Adams
1911 - 2010
and his wife
Ida Morwenna Adams
1913 - 2011
Much loved parents and grandparents
Together again.
Sarah Adams, 1916144SarahAdams1916In Loving Memory of
James Adams
the beloved husband of
Sarah Adams
of this parish
who died Oct 14th 1906
aged 66 years
In the midst of life we are in death
wife of the above
who died March 11th 1916
aged 73
Albert Edward John Allen, 1977264Albert Edward JohnAllen1977In loving memory of
Selina Grace Allen
1899 - 1976
and her husband
Albert Edward John
1903 - 1977
Selina Grace Allen, 1976264Selina GraceAllen1976In loving memory of
Selina Grace Allen
1899 - 1976
and her husband
Albert Edward John
1903 - 1977
Edith Frances Attfield, 1955124Edith FrancesAttfield1955In loving memory of
Edith Frances
the beloved wife of
Richard Attfield late D.I.
Royal Irish Constabulary
and adored sister of
Agnes Watt
who passed away at
The Cottage, Bratton Clovelly
16th August 1955
Auf Widersehen
Death doth hide but not divide
She is but on God's other side
(on side)
Also of
Agnes Margaret Watt
27.6.57 Aged 85 years
(on other side)
Richard Attfield
South Africa
World Wars I & II
Richard  Attfield, 1962124bRichard AlbertAttfield1962In loving memory of
Edith Frances
the beloved wife of
Richard Attfield late D.I.
Royal Irish Constabulary
and adored sister of
Agnes Watt
who passed away at
The Cottage, Bratton Clovelly
16th August 1955
Auf Widersehen
Death doth hide but not divide
She is but on God's other side
(on side)
Also of
Agnes Margaret Watt
27.6.57 Aged 85 years
(on other side)
Richard Attfield
South Africa
World Wars I & II
Edwin Baker, 1853179EdwinBaker1853To the Memory of
Richard Baker
son of William & Maria Baker
of Court-Barton in this parish
who departed this life
the 29th day of April 1853
Aged 28 years
Also of Edwin Baker their son
who died the 10th day of August 1853
Aged 18 years
Also of John Baker their son
who died the 19th day of Aug. 1855
Aged 23 years
Thou knowest enough here rests our clay
Our souls have winged their mystic flight
To realsm of everlasting day
Or endless nights
John Baker, 1855179JohnBaker1855To the Memory of
Richard Baker
son of William & Maria Baker
of Court-Barton in this parish
who departed this life
the 29th day of April 1853
Aged 28 years
Also of Edwin Baker their son
who died the 10th day of August 1853
Aged 18 years
Also of John Baker their son
who died the 19th day of Aug. 1855
Aged 23 years
Thou knowest enough here rests our clay
Our souls have winged their mystic flight
To realsm of everlasting day
Or endless nights
Maria Baker, 1858181MariaBaker1858Sacred to the memory of
Maria Baker
Relict of the late
William Baker
of Court-Barton in this parish
who departed this life
the 4th day of Nov 1858
Aged 68 years
I heard a voice from heav'n that softly cried
Write in the pages of eternal truth
Blessed are the dead who have in Jesus died
In age - in manhood - or in youth
Richard  Baker, 1853179Richard Baker1853To the Memory of
Richard Baker
son of William & Maria Baker
of Court-Barton in this parish
who departed this life
the 29th day of April 1853
Aged 28 years
Also of Edwin Baker their son
who died the 10th day of August 1853
Aged 18 years
Also of John Baker their son
who died the 19th day of Aug. 1855
Aged 23 years
Thou knowest enough here rests our clay
Our souls have winged their mystic flight
To realsm of everlasting day
Or endless nights
William Baker, 1851180WilliamBaker1851This stone is erected to
perpetuate the memory of
William Baker
of Barton in this Parish
who departed this life the
9th day of June 1851
Aged 64 years
Man like a flower springs in light
At morning pleasant the sight
At noon a blast cuts down the flower
And man decays in one short hour
Anne Dierdre Barker-Hahlo, 1929131Anne DierdreBarker-Hahlo1929God is Love.
Anne Dierdre, daughter of
John & Stella Barker-Hahlo.
Aged 2 days. Born Jan 2 1929.
John Barton, 2013170JohnBarton2013In loving memory of
John Barton
9.5.1949 - 2.1.2013
So very sadly missed
by all his family
Robert Bennett, 2008064Robert EdwardBennett2008In Loving Memory of
Robert Bennett
19.3.1918 - 7.9.2008
Also His Wife
14.1.1917 - 28.12.2013
Joyce Bennett, 2013064Verona JoyceBennett2013In Loving Memory of
Robert Bennett
19.3.1918 - 7.9.2008
Also His Wife
14.1.1917 - 28.12.2013
Jemima Bevan, 1873076Jemima OswellBevan1873In memory of
Richard Bevan
who died May 27 1873
aged 73
Jemima Bevan
who died June 30 1873
aged 19
Richard Bevan, 1873076RichardBevan1873In memory of
Richard Bevan
who died May 27 1873
aged 73
Jemima Bevan
who died June 30 1873
aged 19
Joanna Bishop, 1900117JoannaBishop1900In loving memory of
daughter of James and Martha Taylor
and the beloved wife of
William Scott Bishop
of Roborough who died
Dec 16 1900 aged 84 years
Arthur Charles Blatchford, 1983150Arthur CharlesBlatchford1983In loving memory of
Arthur Charles Blatchford
Died 11th December 1983
Aged 56 years
Olive May Blatchford
Died 17th October 1987
Aged 61 years
And their brother
William John (Bill)
Dear Dad, Grandad & Great Grandad
Died 17th May 2013
Aged 88 years
Olive May Blatchford, 1987150Olive MayBlatchford1987In loving memory of
Arthur Charles Blatchford
Died 11th December 1983
Aged 56 years
Olive May Blatchford
Died 17th October 1987
Aged 61 years
And their brother
William John (Bill)
Dear Dad, Grandad & Great Grandad
Died 17th May 2013
Aged 88 years
William John Blatchford, 2013150William JohnBlatchford2013In loving memory of
Arthur Charles Blatchford
Died 11th December 1983
Aged 56 years
Olive May Blatchford
Died 17th October 1987
Aged 61 years
And their brother
William John (Bill)
Dear Dad, Grandad & Great Grandad
Died 17th May 2013
Aged 88 years
Augustus James Blight, 1967129Augustus JamesBlight1967In loving memory of
beloved wife of
Augustus James Blight
who died 4th March 1945
aged 60 years.
Loves last gift remembrance.
Also her beloved husband
Augustus James Blight
who passed away Nov. 3rd 1967
aged 81 years.
Louise Blight, 1945129LouiseBlight1945In loving memory of
beloved wife of
Augustus James Blight
who died 4th March 1945
aged 60 years.
Loves last gift remembrance.
Also her beloved husband
Augustus James Blight
who passed away Nov. 3rd 1967
aged 81 years.
Gerald Box, 2007153GeraldBox2007In loving memory of
Gerald Box
Born 25th July 1925
Died 25th April 2007
(image only) ,
Charlotte Braund, 1941
293bCharlotteBraund1941(at foot)
In loving memory of
(right side)
John Braund
who died July 13th 1932
aged 82 years
(left side)
and of Charlotte his wife
who died March 16th 1941
aged 87 years
(image only) ,
John Braund, 1932
293aJohnBraund1932(at foot)
In loving memory of
(right side)
John Braund
who died July 13th 1932
aged 82 years
(left side)
and of Charlotte his wife
who died March 16th 1941
aged 87 years
Ada Olive Brown, 2019161Ada OliveBrown2010In loving memory of
a devoted husband & father
Thomas Brown,
of High View, in this parish,
who passed away 6th June 1978,
aged 64 years.
In God's keeping.
Ada Olive Brown
devoted wife and mother
who passed away
13th January 2010
aged 92 years
Rest in peace.
Ann Brown, 1859232AnnBrown1859This stone is erected by
William R. Brown, of Lower Voaden
in this parish, to perpetuate
the memory of his mother
Ann Brown.
She died the 22nd day of Sep. 1859.
In hope, "that her heavenly father
will receive her spirit in to his
heavenly kingdom." Aged 91 years.
Also to the memory of
William Chambers Brown
Son of the aforesaid
Willima R. Brown & Patience his wife
who died the 20th day of Dec. 1824
Aged 4 years.
Also of Patience Brown
their daughter
who died the 17th day of Nov. 1839
Aged 18 years.
Also of Charles Brown their son
who died the 25th day of August 1854
Aged 21 years.
Charles Brown, 1854232CharlesBrown1854This stone is erected by
William R. Brown, of Lower Voaden
in this parish, to perpetuate
the memory of his mother
Ann Brown.
She died the 22nd day of Sep. 1859.
In hope, "that her heavenly father
will receive her spirit in to his
heavenly kingdom." Aged 91 years.
Also to the memory of
William Chambers Brown
Son of the aforesaid
Willima R. Brown & Patience his wife
who died the 20th day of Dec. 1824
Aged 4 years.
Also of Patience Brown
their daughter
who died the 17th day of Nov. 1839
Aged 18 years.
Also of Charles Brown their son
who died the 25th day of August 1854
Aged 21 years.
Jessie Brown, 1934
(image only) ,
280JessieBrown1934In loving memory of
the beloved wife of
William Brown
Kale House, Bratton
who passed away March 24th 1934
aged 58 years
At rest.
Also William
husband of the above
died August 1st 1943
aged 69 years
Joanna Brown, 1909235JoannaBrown1909In loving memory of
Thomas Brown
of Lower Voaden
who died 3rd October 1896
Aged 68 years
Peace Perfect Peace
Also of Joanna
wife of the above
who died at Lower Voaden
October 18th 1909
Aged 83 years
Thy will be done
John Brown, 1884234JohnBrown1884In Affectionate Remembrance of
John Brown
who died August 8th 1884
Aged 49 years
The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken
away. Bless be the name of the Lord.
Job 1.21.
Julia Brown, 1960126JuliaBrown1960In loving memory of
Thomas Brown
of this parish
who died 28th May 1960
Aged 83 years
Also of Julia
his beloved wife
who died 13th July 1960
Aged 79 years
Thy will be done
Peace Perfect Peace
(at foot of grave)
Also of Thomas John R.A.S.G.
their only son
Killed at Dunkirk 28th May 1940
Maria Brown, 1872233MariaBrown1872In Affectionate Remembrance of
William Reddaway Brown
of this parish
who departed this life
the 7th day of May 1880.
Aged 91 years
Also of
Maria Brown
Wife of the above
who died Jan. 22nd 1872.
Aged 63 years
Patience Brown, 1839232PatienceBrown1839This stone is erected by
William R. Brown, of Lower Voaden
in this parish, to perpetuate
the memory of his mother
Ann Brown.
She died the 22nd day of Sep. 1859.
In hope, "that her heavenly father
will receive her spirit in to his
heavenly kingdom." Aged 91 years.
Also to the memory of
William Chambers Brown
Son of the aforesaid
Willima R. Brown & Patience his wife
who died the 20th day of Dec. 1824
Aged 4 years.
Also of Patience Brown
their daughter
who died the 17th day of Nov. 1839
Aged 18 years.
Also of Charles Brown their son
who died the 25th day of August 1854
Aged 21 years.
Patience Brown, 1865231PatienceBrown1865In Affectionate Remembrance of
Patience Brown
First Wife Of
William Reddaway Brown
Of This Parish,
who departed this life
March 28th, 1865.
Aged 71 years.
She is not dead but Sleepeth.
Thomas Brown, 1896235ThomasBrown1896In loving memory of
Thomas Brown
of Lower Voaden
who died 3rd October 1896
Aged 68 years
Peace Perfect Peace
Also of Joanna
wife of the above
who died at Lower Voaden
October 18th 1909
Aged 83 years
Thy will be done
Thomas Brown, 1960126ThomasBrown1960In loving memory of
Thomas Brown
of this parish
who died 28th May 1960
Aged 83 years
Also of Julia
his beloved wife
who died 13th July 1960
Aged 79 years
Thy will be done
Peace Perfect Peace
(at foot of grave)
Also of Thomas John R.A.S.G.
their only son
Killed at Dunkirk 28th May 1940
Thomas Brown, 1978161ThomasBrown1978In loving memory of
a devoted husband & father
Thomas Brown,
of High View, in this parish,
who passed away 6th June 1978,
aged 64 years.
In God's keeping.
Ada Olive Brown
devoted wife and mother
who passed away
13th January 2019
aged 92 years
Rest in peace.
Thomas John Brown, 1940126Thomas JohnBrown1940In loving memory of
Thomas Brown
of this parish
who died 28th May 1960
Aged 83 years
Also of Julia
his beloved wife
who died 13th July 1960
Aged 79 years
Thy will be done
Peace Perfect Peace
(at foot of grave)
Also of Thomas John R.A.S.G.
their only son
Killed at Dunkirk 28th May 1940
William Brown, 1943
(image only) ,
280WilliamBrown1943In loving memory of
the beloved wife of
William Brown
Kale House, Bratton
who passed away March 24th 1934
aged 58 years
At rest.
Also William
husband of the above
died August 1st 1943
aged 69 years
William Chambers Brown, 1824232William ChambersBrown1824This stone is erected by
William R. Brown, of Lower Voaden
in this parish, to perpetuate
the memory of his mother
Ann Brown.
She died the 22nd day of Sep. 1859.
In hope, "that her heavenly father
will receive her spirit in to his
heavenly kingdom." Aged 91 years.
Also to the memory of
William Chambers Brown
Son of the aforesaid
Willima R. Brown & Patience his wife
who died the 20th day of Dec. 1824
Aged 4 years.
Also of Patience Brown
their daughter
who died the 17th day of Nov. 1839
Aged 18 years.
Also of Charles Brown their son
who died the 25th day of August 1854
Aged 21 years.
William Reddaway Brown, 1880233William ReddawayBrown1880In Affectionate Remembrance of
William Reddaway Brown
of this parish
who departed this life
the 7th day of May 1880.
Aged 91 years
Also of
Maria Brown
Wife of the above
who died Jan. 22nd 1872.
Aged 63 years
Francis Burrow, 1835005FrancisBurrow1835In memory of Francis Burrow
of the parish of Thrushelton
who died the 4th Feb 1835
Aged 47
Jane Burrow, 1812006JaneBurrow1812In beloved memory of Jane Burrow
wife of John Burrow of this parish
who departed this life in the hope of […]
on the […] day of March
in the year of […]
George Butt, 1978162GeorgeButt1978In loving memory of
George Butt
Died 1st March 1978
Aged 91.
Also his beloved wife
Died 11th Jan. 1978
Aged 86.
Of Higher Coombe Park Thrushelton
Olive Butt, 1978162OliveButt1978In loving memory of
George Butt
Died 1st March 1978
Aged 91.
Also his beloved wife
Died 11th Jan. 1978
Aged 86.
Of Higher Coombe Park Thrushelton
David Caudwell, 1997031DavidCaudwell1997In loving memory of David Caudwell
Nan Caudwell
Together Forever
Nancy Mabel Caudwell, 2007031Nancy MabelCaudwell2007In loving memory of David Caudwell
Nan Caudwell
Together Forever
Selwyn David Caudwell, 2015032Selwyn DavidCaudwell2015Selwyn David Caudwell (Sam)
22.4.1942 - 12.10.2015
Busy hands at rest
Francis John Chammings, 1997136Francis JohnChammings1997In loving memory of
Francis John Chammings
24.3.1941 - 31.3.1997
George Cock, 1823239GeorgeCock1823Sacred to the memory of
Mr. George Cock
who departed this life
the 26th of August 1823
Aged 43 years
Emmanuel Cole, 1940
(image only) ,
267EmmanuelCole1940In loving memory of
beloved husband of
Eliza Cole
who passed away
February 16th 1940
aged 54 years
Thy will be done
Lucy Cole, 1921269LucyCole1921In every loving memory of
the beloved wife of
Robert Cole
who fell asleep
Dec 19th 1921
aged 54 years
I know that my redeemer liveth
James Cowling, 1913
(image only) ,
275JamesCowling1913In loving memory of
the beloved husband of
Mary Cowling
who died at Wonnacott
May 30th 1913
aged 80 years.
Now the labourer's task is o'er.
Also Mary
beloved wife of the above
who died Nov. 9th 1918
aged 76 years.
Only resting here.
James Cowling, 1952
(image only) ,
285JamesCowling1952In loving memory of
Tryphena Cowling
who passed away
July 17th 1944
aged 60 years
At rest
Also of James Cowling
her beloved husband
who passed away
July 14th 1952
aged 77 years
At rest
Mary Cowling, 1918
(image only) ,
275MaryCowling1918In loving memory of
the beloved husband of
Mary Cowling
who died at Wonnacott
May 30th 1913
aged 80 years.
Now the labourer's task is o'er.
Also Mary
beloved wife of the above
who died Nov. 9th 1918
aged 76 years.
Only resting here.
Tryphena Cowling, 1944
(image only) ,
285TryphenaCowling1944In loving memory of
Tryphena Cowling
who passed away
July 17th 1944
aged 60 years
At rest
Also of James Cowling
her beloved husband
who passed away
July 14th 1952
aged 77 years
At rest
Elizabeth Hatch Creemer, 1848222Elizabeth HatchCreemer1848Sacred to the memory of
Susanna Creemer
wife of Richard Creemer
and daughter of
John and Margaret Hatch
of Boasley in this parish
who died 24th August 1853
Aged 61 years
I was so long with pain oppressed
That wore my strength away
Which made me long for endless rest
That never can decay.
Elizabeth H. Creemer
their daughter
who died 2nd May 1848
Aged 9 years
Susanna Creemer, 1853222SusannaCreemer1853Sacred to the memory of
Susanna Creemer
wife of Richard Creemer
and daughter of
John and Margaret Hatch
of Boasley in this parish
who died 24th August 1853
Aged 61 years
I was so long with pain oppressed
That wore my strength away
Which made me long for endless rest
That never can decay.
Elizabeth H. Creemer
their daughter
who died 2nd May 1848
Aged 9 years
Allan Graham Crombie, 2011167Allan GrahamCrombie2011In memory of
Allan Graham Crombie
Rest in Peace
John Croot, 1926095JohnCroot1926In loving memory of
John Croot
late of this parish
who entered into rest
April 14th 1926
aged 63 years.
Thy will be done.
Albert John Cutland, 1947290Albert JohnCutland1947In loving memory of
Bessie Ann
beloved wife of
John Cutland
died April 20th 1917
aged 63 years.
Also Albert John Cutland
beloved husband of Lily
and son of the above
who died at Court Barton
Jan. 18th 1947, aged 65 years.
And of Lily
beloved wife of Albert John
died April 8th 1985
aged 86 years.
Bessie Ann Cutland, 1917290Bessie AnnCutland1917In loving memory of
Bessie Ann
beloved wife of
John Cutland
died April 20th 1917
aged 63 years.
Also Albert John Cutland
beloved husband of Lily
and son of the above
who died at Court Barton
Jan. 18th 1947, aged 65 years.
And of Lily
beloved wife of Albert John
died April 8th 1985
aged 86 years.
Lily Cutland, 1985290LilyCutland1985In loving memory of
Bessie Ann
beloved wife of
John Cutland
died April 20th 1917
aged 63 years.
Also Albert John Cutland
beloved husband of Lily
and son of the above
who died at Court Barton
Jan. 18th 1947, aged 65 years.
And of Lily
beloved wife of Albert John
died April 8th 1985
aged 86 years.
Mary Dawe, 1889054MaryDawe1889In memory of
the beloved wife of
William Dawe
who died at Court-Barton
January 7th 1889
Aged 55 years
I shall be satisfied when I awake
in the likeness. Psalm …
Mary Ann Dawe, 1930287aMary AnnDawe1930(right side)
In loving memory of
Mary Ann Dawe
who fell asleep
October 10th 1930
aged 66 years.
At rest.
(left side)
Also in loving memory of
Samuel Dawe
of North Wrixhill
who fell asleep May 1st 1940
aged 76 years.
Samuel Dawe, 1940287SamuelDawe1940(right side)
In loving memory of
Mary Ann Dawe
who fell asleep
October 10th 1930
aged 66 years.
At rest.
(left side)
Also in loving memory of
Samuel Dawe
of North Wrixhill
who fell asleep May 1st 1940
aged 76 years.
Arthur John Dennis, 1983261Arthur JohnDennis1983In loving memory of
Caroline Mary Dennis
died 29th Dec. 1967
Aged 66.
Also of
Arthur John Dennis
died 29th April 1983
Aged 83.
At rest.
Caroline Mary Dennis, 1968261Caroline MaryDennis1968In loving memory of
Caroline Mary Dennis
died 29th Dec. 1967
Aged 66.
Also of
Arthur John Dennis
died 29th April 1983
Aged 83.
At rest.
Ellen Dennis, 1931286EllenDennis1931In loving memory of
Ellen Dennis
died at Lower Voaden Feb. 28th 1931
aged 63 years.
At rest.
David Frank Dowell, 2003027David FrankDowell2003In loving memory of Florence Ellen Dowell
Late of Hillside Farm
8th Feb 1909 - 23rd July 1985
and her youngest son David Frank Dowell
15th Nov 1943 - 11th Feb 2003
Florence Ellen Dowell, 1984027Florence EllenDowell1984In loving memory of Florence Ellen Dowell
Late of Hillside Farm
8th Feb 1909 - 23rd July 1985
and her youngest son David Frank Dowell
15th Nov 1943 - 11th Feb 2003
Judith Elizabeth Dowell, 2011025Judith ElizabethDowell2011In loving memory of
Judith Elizabeth Dowell
30.8.1939 - 28.9.2011
Philip Thomas Dowell, 2005026Philip ThomasDowell2005In loving memory of
Philip Thomas Dowell
24.1.1931 - 19.12.2005
Anne Down, 1809078AnneDown1809Sacred to the memory of
Richard Down
of Langworthy in this Parish
who departed this life February 21st
1827 Aged 76

of three children of the above Richard Down
and Jane his wife died as follows
Nicholas March 3rd 1800 aged 3 months
Thomas Dec 10th 1803 aged 1 month
Anne August 23rd 1809 aged 1 month
Edward Down, 1851262EdwardDown1851Sacred to the memory of
Edward Down
of this parish
who departed this life
the 21st day of May 1851
Aged 72 years
Also of Mary
his wife
who died April 23rd 1856
Aged 75 years
Jane Down, 1836077JaneDown1836Sacred to the memory of
Jane Down
Wife of Richard Down
of Langworthy in this Parish
who died the 19th day of May
Aged 67 years
Weep not for me my Children dear
To grieve it is but vain
Christ is our hope we need not fear
We all shall meet again
Mary Down, 1856262MaryDown1856Sacred to the memory of
Edward Down
of this parish
who departed this life
the 21st day of May 1851
Aged 72 years
Also of Mary
his wife
who died April 23rd 1856
Aged 75 years
Mary Down, 1857079MaryDown1857Sacred to the memory of
Thomas Down
of the parish of Broadwoodwidger
who departed this life
the 8th day of April 1845
aged 80 years
Mark the perfect man and behold
the upright for the end of that
man is peace Psalm xxxvii.37
Also to the memory of
Mary Down
wife of the above
who departed this life
the 22nd day of January 1857
aged 79 years
The memory of the Just is blessed
Nicholas Down, 1800078NicholasDown1800Sacred to the memory of
Richard Down
of Langworthy in this Parish
who departed this life February 21st
1827 Aged 76

of three children of the above Richard Down
and Jane his wife died as follows
Nicholas March 3rd 1800 aged 3 months
Thomas Dec 10th 1803 aged 1 month
Anne August 23rd 1809 aged 1 month
Richard Down, 1827078RichardDown1827Sacred to the memory of
Richard Down
of Langworthy in this Parish
who departed this life February 21st
1827 Aged 76

of three children of the above Richard Down
and Jane his wife died as follows
Nicholas March 3rd 1800 aged 3 months
Thomas Dec 10th 1803 aged 1 month
Anne August 23rd 1809 aged 1 month
Thomas Down, 1803078ThomasDown1803Sacred to the memory of
Richard Down
of Langworthy in this Parish
who departed this life February 21st
1827 Aged 76

of three children of the above Richard Down
and Jane his wife died as follows
Nicholas March 3rd 1800 aged 3 months
Thomas Dec 10th 1803 aged 1 month
Anne August 23rd 1809 aged 1 month
Thomas Down, 1845079ThomasDown1845Sacred to the memory of
Thomas Down
of the parish of Broadwoodwidger
who departed this life
the 8th day of April 1845
aged 80 years
Mark the perfect man and behold
the upright for the end of that
man is peace Psalm xxxvii.37
Also to the memory of
Mary Down
wife of the above
who departed this life
the 22nd day of January 1857
aged 79 years
The memory of the Just is blessed
William Thomas Down, 1938
(image only) ,
257William ThomasDown1938In loving memory of
William Thomas
beloved husband of
Emily Ann Down
who died at Lower Voaden
Nov. 19th 1938. Aged 57.
At rest
Edith May Drew, 1977163Edith MayDrew1977E. M. Drew
Apr 29th 1977
Aged 67
H. Drew
Sep 2nd 1979
Aged 69
Henry Drew, 1979163HenryDrew1979E. M. Drew
Apr 29th 1977
Aged 67
H. Drew
Sep 2nd 1979
Aged 69
William Elis, 1825043WilliamElis1825In memory of
William Ellis
of this parish
who died the 25th day of
March 1825
Aged 52 years
Also William Ellis his son
who died the 3rd day of April
Aged 41 years
Also Grace Ellis his daughter
who died the 26th day of April
1824 Aged 18 years.
Also Maria Ellis his daughter
who died in October 1828
Aged 4 years
Reader see the effect of Adams fall
His sin alas brought death upon us all
In dying there is nothing else can ease us
But live in faith in the redeemer Jesus
David Ellis, 1894045DavidEllis1894Susannah Ellis
wife of David Ellis
who died Sep 19 …
Aged 65 years
David Ellis
Grace Ellis, 1824043GraceEllis1824In memory of
William Ellis
of this parish
who died the 25th day of
March 1825
Aged 52 years
Also William Ellis his son
who died the 3rd day of April
Aged 41 years
Also Grace Ellis his daughter
who died the 26th day of April
1824 Aged 18 years.
Also Maria Ellis his daughter
who died in October 1828
Aged 4 years
Reader see the effect of Adams fall
His sin alas brought death upon us all
In dying there is nothing else can ease us
But live in faith in the redeemer Jesus
Grace Ellis, 1866042GraceEllis1866Erected
to the memory of
Grace Ellis
wife of William Ellis
of this parish
who departed this life
April 1st 1866
Aged 86 years
Farewell farewell yet not a long adieu
For I if faithful soon may be with you
In blissful regions where no sin no pain
of parting pangs shall sunder us again
Maria Ellis, 1828043MariaEllis1828In memory of
William Ellis
of this parish
who died the 25th day of
March 1825
Aged 52 years
Also William Ellis his son
who died the 3rd day of April
Aged 41 years
Also Grace Ellis his daughter
who died the 26th day of April
1824 Aged 18 years.
Also Maria Ellis his daughter
who died in October 1828
Aged 4 years
Reader see the effect of Adams fall
His sin alas brought death upon us all
In dying there is nothing else can ease us
But live in faith in the redeemer Jesus
Susannah Ellis, 1887045Susannah (Susan)Ellis1887Susannah Ellis
wife of David Ellis
who died Sep 19 …
Aged 65 years
David Ellis
William Ellis, 1840043WilliamEllis1840In memory of
William Ellis
of this parish
who died the 25th day of
March 1825
Aged 52 years
Also William Ellis his son
who died the 3rd day of April
Aged 41 years
Also Grace Ellis his daughter
who died the 26th day of April
1824 Aged 18 years.
Also Maria Ellis his daughter
who died in October 1828
Aged 4 years
Reader see the effect of Adams fall
His sin alas brought death upon us all
In dying there is nothing else can ease us
But live in faith in the redeemer Jesus
Audrey Frances Evans, 2001171Audrey FrancesEvans2001In loving memory of
Audrey Frances Evans
Beloved wife of David
Born 28 January 1906
Died 26 May 2001
Hilda Dorothy Evans, 2001038Hilda DorothyEvans2001243276543
Martin Burke Evans, 2015165Martin BurkeEvans2015Martin's Last Post
In loving memory of
Martin Burke Evans
Son of David and Audrey
of Willowdene
Born 9 December 1944
Died 30 June 2015
Samuel George Evans, 1995038Samuel GeorgeEvans1995In loving memory
Samuel George Evans
Born 1915 Olanga Kenya
Died 1995
At Rest
Hilda Dorothy Evans
Born 1924 Enfield
Died 2001
Greatly loved
Elsie Fielding, 1982260ElsieFielding1982Roy
Roy Fielding, 1960260LeroyFielding1960Roy
Francis Richard Christian Cecil Fletcher, 1959266Francis Richard Christian CecilFletcher1959In loving memory of
Francis Richard Christian
Cecil Fletcher
who died December 16th 1951
aged 51 years.
And his wife
Mary Fletcher
nee Dendy
died Dember 10th 2007
aged 86 years.
Mary Fletcher, 2007266MaryFletcher2007In loving memory of
Francis Richard Christian
Cecil Fletcher
who died December 16th 1951
aged 51 years.
And his wife
Mary Fletcher
nee Dendy
died Dember 10th 2007
aged 86 years.
Sarah Frost, 1823044Sarah (Sally)Frost1823This Stone
is erected by Sarah Pollard
to perpetuate the beloved memory
of her daughter
Sarah Frost
late of this Town who departed
this life the 1st day of June 1823, Aged 41 years
Weep not, weep not nor longer mourn
The loss of our dear Sister here
By Cherubims her Soul was born
Unto our Saviour dear,
By Him accepted and forgiv'n
She knelt at Jesu's mercy seat
Welcom'd by all the Host of Heav'n
She all the Saints and Angels green
In the Lambs Book her Name was found
An Enemy of Satan here
She voted for to have him bound
And God approv'd her faithful prayer
And now enthron'd with Saints above
Her Soul will drink of bliss divine
Bright and bright there shall shine.
John Tom Gabriel, 1897259John TomGabriel1897R.I.P.
Sacred to the memory of
John Tom Gabriel
Retired Fleet Surgeon
who fell asleep Dec 18th 1897
Laura Joan Gaden, 2014172Laura JoanGaden2014Robert Walter Gaden
Born 4th May 1923
At Broadwell, Gloucestershire
Died 13th October 1999
At North Breazle Farm
Father, Farmer, Friend
Laura Joan Gaden
Born 13th October 1922
Stow on the Wold
Died 1st June 2014
North Breazle
Loving Wife and Mother
Robert Walter Gaden, 1999172Robert WalterGaden1999Robert Walter Gaden
Born 4th May 1923
At Broadwell, Gloucestershire
Died 13th October 1999
At North Breazle Farm
Father, Farmer, Friend
Laura Joan Gaden
Born 13th October 1922
Stow on the Wold
Died 1st June 2014
North Breazle
Loving Wife and Mother
Ann Gay, 1930
(image only) ,
298AnnGay1930In loving memory of
the beloved wife of
William Charles Gay
who died at Mill Highampton
on January 16th 1930
aged 63 years.
Also of
William Charles Gay
her beloved husband
who died Feb. 14th 1938
aged 76 years.
At rest.
Twas hard to part with one so dear
We little thought of time so near
Although she has gone we know tis best
for her to enter eternal rest.
? Gay, ?051JaneGay?Erected
in the memory of
Jane Gay
daughter of John & Eliza
William Charles Gay, 1938
(image only) ,
298William CharlesGay1938In loving memory of
the beloved wife of
William Charles Gay
who died at Mill Highampton
on January 16th 1930
aged 63 years.
Also of
William Charles Gay
her beloved husband
who died Feb. 14th 1938
aged 76 years.
At rest.
Twas hard to part with one so dear
We little thought of time so near
Although she has gone we know tis best
for her to enter eternal rest.
John Gerry, 1847089JohnGerry1847Erected in memory of
John Gerry
of this parish
who departed this life
the 18th day of June 1847
aged 31 years
The remains of a Christian lies here underneath
Who believed the Gospel and died in the faith
He now sleeps in Jesus, from pain is set free,
And Jesus in glory, for ever will see.
O! Reader take warning, don't trifle away
That precious time which thou hast to stay.
Rest not without knowing your sins all for given
And then you will rest for ever in Heaven.
Duncan Robert Gillard, 1998033Duncan RobertGillard19986 February 1966
Duncan Robert Gillard
16 June 1998
Amelia Jane Gilpin, 1990066Amelia JaneGilpin1990George Alfred Gilpin
Jan 23rd 1973, Aged 83
His Wife
Amelia Jane
died Jul 24th 1990, Aged 92
In Memoriam
his Grandson
Thomas Holroyd
George Alfred Gilpin, 1973066George AlfredGilpin1973George Alfred Gilpin
Jan 23rd 1973, Aged 83
His Wife
Amelia Jane
died Jul 24th 1990, Aged 92
In Memoriam
his Grandson
Thomas Holroyd
Susanna Glanfield, 1816236SusannaGlanfield1816Sacred to the memory of
Susanna Glanfield
of this parish
who departed this life in hope to dwell
with Christ in the
Celestial Regions above and
Eternal Mansions for evermore
on the 7th day of April 1816
Aged 63 years
Luta Gorle, 1903139LouisaGorle1903In Memory of
Luta Gorle
Born November 1868
Died September 16th 1903
Edith Annie Griffin, 1928141Edith AnnieGriffin1928In ever loving memory of
Edith Annie
widow of
William H. Griffin
who passed peacefully away
Dec. 23rd 1928
Aged 40 years
Blessed are the pure in heart
for they shall see God
Elizabeth Griffin, 1941
(image only) ,
288ElizabethGriffin1941In loving memory of
Albert William
beloved husband of
Elizabeth Rice
who died at Beckett
who died Sept. 3rd 1926
aged 42 years
Until the day break and the shadows flee away.
Also of Elizabeth
died July 14th 1941
aged 54 years
William Henry Griffin, 1926140William HenryGriffin1926In loving memory of
William Henry
The beloved husband of
Edith A. Griffin
of this parish
who entered into rest
April 10th 1926
Aged 31 years
In the midst of life we are in death
Betsey Harry, 1916017BetseyHarry1916In loving memory of Nicholas Palmer
who died April […] 1892
Aged 51 years
Also Betsy
Beloved wife of the above
[…] Aug 21 1916
Aged 73 years
John Hatch, 1837214JohnHatch1837Underneath
the earthly remains of
John Hatch
of Boseley in this parish
who died April 8th 1837
Aged 75 years
Margaret Hatch, 1859215MargaretHatch1839Underneath
the earthly remains of
the wife of
John Hatch
of Boasley in this parish Yeoman
who died Oct 25th 1839
Aged 74 years
Cynthia Gillian Hayer, 2012037Cynthia GillianHayer2012Gill & Jack Hayer
Everloving Memory
John Peter Victor David Hayer, 2005037John Peter Victor DavidHayer2005Gill & Jack Hayer
Everloving Memory
Annie Hearn, 1907223AnnieHearn1907In loving memory of
the beloved wife of
P.H. Hearn
of Swaddledown
Bratton Clovelly
Died June 7th 1907,
Aged 23 years.
Thy will be done.
Also Philip Henry
son of the above
died August 1st 1961
Aged 56 years.
Betsy Hearn, 1889206BetsyHearn1889In loving memory of
Henry Hearn
who died August 31st 1882
aged 69 years
Also Betsy his wife
who died June 24th 1889
aged 71 years
Elizabeth Jane Hearn, 1892220Elizabeth JaneHearn1892In loving memory of
Elizabeth Jane,
daughter of Philip and Jane Hearn,
who died August 11th 1892,
aged 14 years.
Not my will O Lord but thine be done.
Grace Hearn, 1849212GraceHearn1849Sacred to the memory of
Grace Hearn
[wife of Philip Hearn?]
late of Swaddledown
in this parish
who departed life on
the 21 day of April 1849
Aged 75 years
Henry Hearn, 1882206HenryHearn1882In loving memory of
Henry Hearn
who died August 31st 1882
aged 69 years
Also Betsy his wife
who died June 24th 1889
aged 71 years
Jane Hearn, 1902221JaneHearn1902In loving memory of
Philip Hearn
of Swaddledown
who died on 21st Jan 1900, Aged 59.
God is love.
Also Jane
his wife
who died on 6th July 1902, Aged 59.
Jane Hearn, 2005174JaneHearn2005In loving memory of
Mildred Annie Hearn
passed away
31st December 1993
Aged 83 years
Also her sister
passed away
13th January 2005
Aged 97 years
Rest in Peace
John Hearn, 1865210JohnHearn1865In memory of
John Hearn
of Lifton
who died on the
28th day of April 1865
Aged 56 years.
John his son
who died …
the 9th day of July 1865
Aged 23 years
John Hearn, 1865210John HenryHearn1865In memory of
John Hearn
of Lifton
who died on the
28th day of April 1865
Aged 56 years.
John his son
who died …
the 9th day of July 1865
Aged 23 years
Mary Hearn, 1879211MaryHearn1879In Memory of
Mary Hearn
who died at Lifton
February 10th 1879
Aged 80 years
Mildred Annie Hearn, 1993174Mildred AnnieHearn1993In loving memory of
Mildred Annie Hearn
passed away
31st December 1993
Aged 83 years
Also her sister
passed away
13th January 2005
Aged 97 years
Rest in Peace
Minnie Hearn, 1979207MinnieHearn1979In loving memory of
Philip Henry Hearn
of Swaddledown
who died on the 11th March 1963. Aged 83.
God is love.
Also in loving memory of
wife of the above
who died on the 24th June 1979. Aged 94.
God is love.
Philip Hearn, 1840213PhilipHearn1840Beneath this stone
are laid the remains of
Philip Hearn
of Swaddledown in this parish
who died the 17th day of November
Aged 77 years
Philip Hearn, 1900221PhilipHearn1900In loving memory of
Philip Hearn
of Swaddledown
who died on 21st Jan 1900, Aged 59.
God is love.
Also Jane
his wife
who died on 6th July 1902, Aged 59.
Philip Henry Hearn, 1961223Philip HenryHearn1961In loving memory of
the beloved wife of
P.H. Hearn
of Swaddledown
Bratton Clovelly
Died June 7th 1907,
Aged 23 years.
Thy will be done.
Also Philip Henry
son of the above
died August 1st 1961
Aged 56 years.
Philip Henry Hearn, 1963207Philip HenryHearn1963In loving memory of
Philip Henry Hearn
of Swaddledown
who died on the 11th March 1963. Aged 83.
God is love.
Also in loving memory of
wife of the above
who died on the 24th June 1979. Aged 94.
God is love.
Sophia Jane Hearn, 1875219Sophia JaneHearn1875In memory of
Sophia Jane
infant daughter of
Philip and Jane Hearn
who died April 29, 1875
Thy will be done
Lucy Heggadon, 1930
(image only) ,
276LucyHeggadon1930In loving memory of
beloved wife of
Thomas Heggadon
who died at Ellacombe Bratton Clovelly
October 14th 1930
aged 58 years
Also Thomas Heggadon
husband of the above
who died Oct. 25th 1932
aged 74 years
Thomas Heggadon, 1932
(image only) ,
276ThomasHeggadon1932In loving memory of
beloved wife of
Thomas Heggadon
who died at Ellacombe Bratton Clovelly
October 14th 1930
aged 58 years
Also Thomas Heggadon
husband of the above
who died Oct. 25th 1932
aged 74 years
John Henderson, 2004156JohnHenderson2004In memory of
John Henderson
09.04.1919 - 28.05.2004
Loving husband,
Father and Bampy
Ian Scott Hendry, 2014166Ian ScottHendry2014In loving memory of
Ian Scott Hendry
Beloved Son, Brother, Husband & Father
25 May 1952 - 17 Jan 2014
John Hethershire, 1840075JohnHethershire1840Sacred to the memory of
John Hethershire
son of Joseph and
Susanna Hethershire
of this parish
who died 27th April 1840
aged 19 years
Basil Heygate, 1941128Reginald Basil ClitherowHeygate1941To the dear memory of
Basil Heygate
who fell asleep June 14th 1941
I am the resurrection and the life
Elizabeth Ann Higgins, 1961
(image only) ,
291Elizabeth AnnHiggins1961In loving memory of
Thomas Roberts
beloved husband of
Elizabeth Ann Higgins
who passed away Jan. 12th 1938
aged 65 years.
Until the day breaks and the
shadows flee away.
Also the above
Elizabeth Ann Higgins
passed away April 14th 1961
aged 87 years.
Peace, Perfect Peace
Thomas Roberts Higgins, 1938
(image only) ,
291Thomas RobertsHiggins1938In loving memory of
Thomas Roberts
beloved husband of
Elizabeth Ann Higgins
who passed away Jan. 12th 1938
aged 65 years.
Until the day breaks and the
shadows flee away.
Also the above
Elizabeth Ann Higgins
passed away April 14th 1961
aged 87 years.
Peace, Perfect Peace
Ann Hill, 1871199AnnHill1871In memory of
Ann wife of
James Hill
(who died at Sourton)
May 1st 1871
aged 76 years
Also of
James Hill
husband of the above
who died Dec 25 1876
aged 81 years
Ann Hill, 1886200AnnHill1886In affectionate remembrance of
Ann Hill
of Luddon
(parish of Sourton)
who died Feb 9th 1886
aged 61 years
Thy will be done
Edith Mary Hill, 1885084Edith MaryHill1885In memory of
Edith Mary
the beloved child of
W. J. & E Hill,
who died August 15th 1885
aged 2 years
Like to a snowdrop this dear child
Bent down her gentle head,
Closing her bright eyes as she smiled,
Her happy spirit fled.
James Hill, 1876199JamesHill1876In memory of
Ann wife of
James Hill
(who died at Sourton)
May 1st 1871
aged 76 years
Also of
James Hill
husband of the above
who died Dec 25 1876
aged 81 years
Thomas Holroyd, 1975066ThomasHolroyd1975George Alfred Gilpin
Jan 23rd 1973, Aged 83
His Wife
Amelia Jane
died Jul 24th 1990, Aged 92
In Memoriam
his Grandson
Thomas Holroyd
Hetty Mary Hornett, 1979099Hetty MaryHornett1979In ever loving memory of
Hetty Mary Hornett
(nee James)
loving wife and mother
who died 30th July 1979
Aged 68 years.
At rest.
Bessie Horrell, 1959
(image only) ,
265BessieHorrell1959In loving memory of
James Horrell
who died 27th March 1908
aged 39 years
Also Bessie
wife of the above
who died 10th Aug. 1959
aged 88 years.
Edith Emily Horrell, 1993065Edith EmilyHorrell1993Thanking God for our dear
Parents & Grandparents
of Church View
Bratton Clovelly
Sidney Horrell
Died 1st April 1972
Aged 82 Years.
Also His Beloved Wife
Edith Emily
Died 20th June 1993
Aged 96 Years.
Till We meet Again
James Horrell, 1908
(image only) ,
265JamesHorrell1908In loving memory of
James Horrell
who died 27th March 1908
aged 39 years
Also Bessie
wife of the above
who died 10th Aug. 1959
aged 88 years.
Kenneth Horrell, 1979160KennethHorrell1979In loving memory of
Kenneth Horrell
20th October 1979
Aged 58 years
Also his devoted mother
Rosalie Horrell
9th March 1982
Aged 88 years.
Rosalia Horrell, 1982160RosaliaHorrell1982In loving memory of
Kenneth Horrell
20th October 1979
Aged 58 years
Also his devoted mother
Rosalie Horrell
9th March 1982
Aged 88 years.
Sidney Horrell, 1972065SidneyHorrell1972Thanking God for our dear
Parents & Grandparents
of Church View
Bratton Clovelly
Sidney Horrell
Died 1st April 1972
Aged 82 Years.
Also His Beloved Wife
Edith Emily
Died 20th June 1993
Aged 96 Years.
Till We meet Again
Charlotte Hortop, 1824057CharlotteHortop1824Sacred to the memory of
William Hortop
Yeoman of South Breazle
in this parish
who died the 25th day of Oct
Aged 64 years
Also Charlotte daughter
of the above died 2nd August
Aged 2 years and 5 months
Her ardent youth nor hoary age
Her Children death will spare
In every state throughout life's state
He cries aloud prepare!
Elizabeth Hortop, 1808085ElizabethHortop1808
Elizabeth Hortop
the wife of Henry Hortop of this
parish after a long and … illness
departed this transitory
life in hopes of a joyous resurrection
the 21st day of April in the year of
1808 aged 22 years
Elizabeth Hortop, 1821060ElizabethHortop1821Remember … to die
Sacred to the memory of
Roger Hortop
Yeoman of Breazle in this Parish
who departed this life the 26th day
of November 1811 Aged 75 years
Mark the perfect man and behold the upright
For the end of that man is peace
Psalm 37.37
Elizabeth his wife was changed
from the mortal life to to a Life of immor-
tality the 5th day of January 1821 in the
77th year of her Age
As in Adam all die, even so in Christ
Shall all be ... alive.
Psalm 15.22
A tender Mother and a friend so dear
From long affliction freed her sleeping her
Ten Children they in this wide world to roam
Have left behind their loss for to bemoan
But trust in God you'll meet on that blessed shore
Where time nor death shall ever part you more.
Ellen Hortop, 1934058EllenHortop1934In loving memory of
beloved daughter of James Hortop
born Feb 6th 1874
died Aug 9th 1934
Rest in Peace
Johanna Hortop, 1881061JohannaHortop1881In loving memory of
William Hortop
who died April 13th 1884
Aged 76 years
Blessed are the dead which …
Johanna Hortop
wife of the above
who died June 16th 1881
Aged 67 years
Not dead but love …
John Hortop, 1851059JohnHortop1851Sacred to the memory of
John Hortop
of Breazel in the parish
who died at Tavistock
the 16th day of October 1851
Aged 37 years
Also of John Edwin
who died the 13th day of
April 1849 Aged 2 years
He is a Father of the fatherless and
defendeth the cause of the widows,
even God in his holy habitation.
Psalm lxxiii.5
John Edwin Hortop, 1849059John EdwinHortop1849Sacred to the memory of
John Hortop
of Breazel in the parish
who died at Tavistock
the 16th day of October 1851
Aged 37 years
Also of John Edwin
who died the 13th day of
April 1849 Aged 2 years
He is a Father of the fatherless and
defendeth the cause of the widows,
even God in his holy habitation.
Psalm lxxiii.5
Patience Hortop, 1853056PatienceHortop1853Sacred to the memory of
Relict of the late
William Hortop
of South Breazle
in this parish
who died the 13th day of
January 1853
Aged 70 years
Weep not for me, ye standers by
As you are now so once was I
As I am now so must you be
Therefore prepare to follow me
Roger Hortop, 1811060RogerHortop1811Remember … to die
Sacred to the memory of
Roger Hortop
Yeoman of Breazle in this Parish
who departed this life the 26th day
of November 1811 Aged 75 years
Mark the perfect man and behold the upright
For the end of that man is peace
Psalm 37.37
Elizabeth his wife was changed
from the mortal life to to a Life of immor-
tality the 5th day of January 1821 in the
77th year of her Age
As in Adam all die, even so in Christ
Shall all be ... alive.
Psalm 15.22
A tender Mother and a friend so dear
From long affliction freed her sleeping her
Ten Children they in this wide world to roam
Have left behind their loss for to bemoan
But trust in God you'll meet on that blessed shore
Where time nor death shall ever part you more.
Roger Hortop, 1872062RogerHortop1872Sacred to the memory of
Roger Hortop
of this parish
who died June 7th 1872
Aged 62 years
Erected as a tribute of affection
by his eight children
William Hortop, 1836057WilliamHortop1836Sacred to the memory of
William Hortop
Yeoman of South Breazle
in this parish
who died the 25th day of Oct
Aged 64 years
Also Charlotte daughter
of the above died 2nd August
Aged 2 years and 5 months
Her ardent youth nor hoary age
Her Children death will spare
In every state throughout life's state
He cries aloud prepare!
William Hortop, 1884061WilliamHortop1884In loving memory of
William Hortop
who died April 13th 1884
Aged 76 years
Blessed are the dead which …
Johanna Hortop
wife of the above
who died June 16th 1881
Aged 67 years
Not dead but love …
Thyra Hughes, 2004155ThyraHughes2004In loving memory of
Thyra Hughes
Born 7th August 1913
Passed away
24th December 2004
Aged 91.
Mary Isaac, 1882072MaryIsaac1882In loving memory of
Thomas Isaac
of Kale-House in this Parish
who died 4th April 1897
Aged 101 years
Also of Mary his wife
who died 1st March 1882
Aged 76 years
Thou shalt come to thy grave in a full age,
like as a shock of corn cometh in his season.
Thomas Isaac, 1897072ThomasIsaac1897In loving memory of
Thomas Isaac
of Kale-House in this Parish
who died 4th April 1897
Aged 101 years
Also of Mary his wife
who died 1st March 1882
Aged 76 years
Thou shalt come to thy grave in a full age,
like as a shock of corn cometh in his season.
Bettsey Jackman, 1796004Elizabeth (Bettsey)Jackman1796Sacred to the memory of Frances Jackman
daughter of Richard and Ann Jackman of this parish
who died the 17th day of Jan 1816
aged 22 years
My plant did flourish fair
Like to a rose in June
But death with his cold blasting air
Has cropt my tender bloom
Elizabeth Jackman
their daughter died 3rd Mar 1796 aged 12 months
Also Thomas Jackman son
died 5 March 1807 aged 9 months
Frances Jackman, 1816004FrancesJackman1816Sacred to the memory of Frances Jackman
daughter of Richard and Ann Jackman of this parish
who died the 17th day of Jan 1816
aged 22 years
My plant did flourish fair
Like to a rose in June
But death with his cold blasting air
Has cropt my tender bloom
Elizabeth Jackman
their daughter died 3rd Mar 1796 aged 12 months
Also Thomas Jackman son
died 5 March 1807 aged 9 months
(image only) ,
Georgina  Jackman, 1931
271bGeorgina Jackman1931(on side)
In loving memory of
Roger Jackman
who died March 6th 1934
aged 75
(on other side)
Also of Georgina Jackman
his beloved wife
who died Nov 8th 1931
aged 65 years
(at foot)
At rest.
Grace Jackman, 1843002GraceJackman1843This stone is erected by their
Affectionate Children
Sacred to the memory of Grace
The wife of John Jackman
of Fursdon in this parish
Died the 6th day of June 1843
Aged 66 years
Sacred to the memory of John Jackman
late of Fursdon in this parish
Died the 25th? day of May 1832
Aged 70 years
James Cyril Jackman, 2013039James CyrilJackman2013In memory of
James Cyril Jackman
24th June 1927
4th December 2013
Descendant of the
Jackmans of this parish
Ashes scattered on the Moor
Loving husband of
Rene Jackman
11th August 1919
31st March 1994
Much loved parents of David
John Jackman, 1832002JohnJackman1832This stone is erected by their
Affectionate Children
Sacred to the memory of Grace
The wife of John Jackman
of Fursdon in this parish
Died the 6th day of June 1843
Aged 66 years
Sacred to the memory of John Jackman
late of Fursdon in this parish
Died the 25th? day of May 1832
Aged 70 years
John Jackman, 1790?
003JohnJackman1790?Underneath are […] remnants of John Jackman
Yeoman who died Jan 18 1790?
at Moonhouse in the parish of Lifton
Rene Jackman, 1994039ReneJackman1994In memory of
James Cyril Jackman
24th June 1927
4th December 2013
Descendant of the
Jackmans of this parish
Ashes scattered on the Moor
Loving husband of
Rene Jackman
11th August 1919
31st March 1994
Much loved parents of David
Richard Jackman, 1853001RichardJackman1853I am distressed for thee my brother very
pleasant has thou been unto me
2 Sam 1.26
To the memory of Richard Jackman
Son of the late John and Grace Jackman
of Fursdon in this parish
who died the 15th day of July 1853
aged 45 years
A loving brother and a faithful friend
Nor malice nor pride in him was found.
In love he lived in peace he died
No strife nor envy could his heart abide.
(image only) ,
Roger Jackman, 1934
271aRogerJackman1934(on side)
In loving memory of
Roger Jackman
who died March 6th 1934
aged 75
(on other side)
Also of Georgina Jackman
his beloved wife
who died Nov 8th 1931
aged 65 years
(at foot)
At rest.
Thomas Jackman, 1807004ThomasJackman1807Sacred to the memory of Frances Jackman
daughter of Richard and Ann Jackman of this parish
who died the 17th day of Jan 1816
aged 22 years
My plant did flourish fair
Like to a rose in June
But death with his cold blasting air
Has cropt my tender bloom
Elizabeth Jackman
their daughter died 3rd Mar 1796 aged 12 months
Also Thomas Jackman son
died 5 March 1807 aged 9 months
Harriet James, 1933292HarrietJames1933In loving memory of
Harriet James
who fell asleep April 18th 1933
aged 71 years
Blessed are the dead
who die in the Lord
Henry James, 1931294HenryJames1931In ever loving memory of
the beloved wife of
Henry James
who died at Virginstowe
May 18th 1925
aged 61 years.
Thy will be done.
Also of
Henry James
her beloved husband
who died Dec. 28th 1931
aged 72 years.
At rest.
John Karslake James, 1936096John KarslakeJames1936In ever loving memory of
John Karslake James
the beloved husband of
& loving father of his children
who died Oct. 16th 1936
Aged 79 years.
At rest.
Also Lucy,
loving wife of the above,
devoted mother of her children,
passed away June 9th 1967
Aged 96 years.
Lucy James, 1967096LucyJames1967In ever loving memory of
John Karslake James
the beloved husband of
& loving father of his children
who died Oct. 16th 1936
Aged 79 years.
At rest.
Also Lucy,
loving wife of the above,
devoted mother of her children,
passed away June 9th 1967
Aged 96 years.
Matilda James, 1925294MatildaJames1925In ever loving memory of
the beloved wife of
Henry James
who died at Virginstowe
May 18th 1925
aged 61 years.
Thy will be done.
Also of
Henry James
her beloved husband
who died Dec. 28th 1931
aged 72 years.
At rest.
Richard James, 1931297RichardJames1931In loving memory of
Richard James
died 15th October 1931
aged 80 years
Rest in the Lord
Caroline Mary Jones, 1903296aCaroline Mary Jones1903(at end)
Elizabeth Manning,
born 24th July 1825,
died 10th July 1913
(at top)
Caroline Mary Jones,
born 19th March 1821,
died 1st February 1903
Esther Rose Jones, 1975101Esther RoseJones1975In loving memory of
beloved husband of
Esther Rose Jones
The Firs, Wrixhill
who passed away June 16th, 1960
Aged 67 years.
Also his wife, Esther Rose
who passed away July 6th 1975
Aged 82 years.
Lawson Jones, 1960101LawsonJones1960In loving memory of
beloved husband of
Esther Rose Jones
The Firs, Wrixhill
who passed away June 16th, 1960
Aged 67 years.
Also his wife, Esther Rose
who passed away July 6th 1975
Aged 82 years.
Leslie John Jones, 2006154Leslie JohnJones2006In loving memory of
Leslie John Jones
of Wrixhill
Died 29th October 2006
Aged 85 years
Charles Henry Jordan, 1949
(image only) ,
284Charles HenryJordan1949In ever loving memory of
Ellen Jordan
who passed away Aug. 25th 1945
aged 65 years.
Charles Henry Jordan
husband of the above
who passed away June 1st 1949
aged 82 years.
Ellen Jordan, 1945
(image only) ,
284EllenJordan1945In ever loving memory of
Ellen Jordan
who passed away Aug. 25th 1945
aged 65 years.
Charles Henry Jordan
husband of the above
who passed away June 1st 1949
aged 82 years.
Harriot ?, ?097HarriotKarslake?In memory of
John Karslake
who died at Broxcoombe in the parish
July … 1857
Aged 62 years
Also Joanne
wife of the above
who died April 24th 1848
aged 51 years
Also Harriot
daughter of the above
who died December ...
Aged ... years
Also Henry
who died in childhood
Henry Karslake, 1842097HenryKarslake1842In memory of
John Karslake
who died at Broxcoombe in the parish
July … 1857
Aged 62 years
Also Joanne
wife of the above
who died April 24th 1848
aged 51 years
Also Harriot
daughter of the above
who died December ...
Aged ... years
Also Henry
who died in childhood
Joanna Karslake, 1848097JoannaKarslake1848In memory of
John Karslake
who died at Broxcoombe in the parish
July … 1857
Aged 62 years
Also Joanne
wife of the above
who died April 24th 1848
aged 51 years
Also Harriot
daughter of the above
who died December ...
Aged ... years
Also Henry
who died in childhood
John Karslake, 1857097JohnKarslake1857In memory of
John Karslake
who died at Broxcoombe in the parish
July … 1857
Aged 62 years
Also Joanne
wife of the above
who died April 24th 1848
aged 51 years
Also Harriot
daughter of the above
who died December ...
Aged ... years
Also Henry
who died in childhood
John Karslake, 1861098JohnKarslake1861In memory of
John Karslake
who died July 21st 1861
Aged 26 years
Betsy Kennard, 1907019BetsyKennard1907In loving memory of Ellen Kennard
of West Cliff Bude
who entered into rest January 12, 1903
aged 54 years
At Rest
Also Betsy Kennard
sister of the above
who died June 15, 1907
aged 65 years
Elizabeth Kennard, 1826015ElizabethKennard1826[…]
Elizabeth Kennard
Relict of Nicholas Kennard
who died […]
Elizabeth Kennard, 1881018ElizabethKennard1881Loving Memory of William Kennardy
Late of Eastlake in this Parish
Who died Dec 3rd 1892
Aged 82 years
Also of Elizabeth
The Beloved Wife of the Above
Who died at Eastlake April 20th 1881
Aged 73 years
Gone, in hope to be with those that are gone before
to that bright and happy place where pain and sorry cannot come,
and all tears are wiped from every eye.
Ellen Kennard, 1903019EllenKennard1903In loving memory of Ellen Kennard
of West Cliff Bude
who entered into rest January 12, 1903
aged 54 years
At Rest
Also Betsy Kennard
sister of the above
who died June 15, 1907
aged 65 years
Nicholas Kennard, 1819014NicholasKennard1819In beloved memory of Nicholas Kennard
Yeoman who after […] thirty-six years residence at Ellacott
died in hope of eternal life the 24th day of April 1819
William Kennard, 1892018WilliamKennard1892Loving Memory of William Kennardy
Late of Eastlake in this Parish
Who died Dec 3rd 1892
Aged 82 years
Also of Elizabeth
The Beloved Wife of the Above
Who died at Eastlake April 20th 1881
Aged 73 years
Gone, in hope to be with those that are gone before
to that bright and happy place where pain and sorry cannot come,
and all tears are wiped from every eye.
Geraldine Ellen Georgina Kenyon-Slaney, 1947
(image only) Kenyon-Slaney,
130bGeraldine Ellen GeorginaKenyon-Slaney1947(side 1)
Percy Robert Kenyon-Slaney
of Langworthy
died Sept 13th 1911
Aged 50 years
Blessed are the merciful, for they
shall obtain mercy
Where loyal hearts and true
Stand ever in the light
(side 2)
Geraldine Ellen Georgina
widow of Percy Robert Kenyon-Slaney
who died September 7th 1947 Aged 80.
In most loving memory
Muriel Agnes Kenyon-Slaney, 1903132Muriel AgnesKenyon-Slaney1903Muriel Agnes Kenyon-Slaney
Born May 6th Died May 7th 1903
God is Love.
Percy Robert Kenyon-Slaney, 1911
(image only) Kenyon-Slaney,
130aPercy RobertKenyon-Slaney1911(side 1)
Percy Robert Kenyon-Slaney
of Langworthy
died Sept 13th 1911
Aged 50 years
Blessed are the merciful, for they
shall obtain mercy
Where loyal hearts and true
Stand ever in the light
(side 2)
Geraldine Ellen Georgina
widow of Percy Robert Kenyon-Slaney
who died September 7th 1947 Aged 80.
In most loving memory
Philip Percy Kenyon-Slaney, 1928
(image only) ,
133Philip PercyKenyon-Slaney1928At Rest.
Philip Percy Kenyon-Slaney, M.C.
(Major General North Devon Hussars)
Eldest son of the late
Percy Robert Kenyon-Slaney
of Langworthy
and of
Geraldine E.G. Kenyon-Slaney
born Feb 12 1896 died Sep 9 1928
For King and Country
Arnold Lake, 2007152ArnoldLake2007Loving Memory of
Arnold Lake
Died 17th May 2007
Aged 79 years
Elizabeth Lang, 1894094ElizabethLang1894In loving memory of
Thomas Lang
who died at Brockscoombe
in this parish Dec 17th 1911
Aged 79 years
Also Elizabeth
wife of the above
who died June 15th 1894
Aged 68 years
Our Lord is great, we'll not complain
But hope to meet in Heaven again.
Thomas Lang, 1911094ThomasLang1911In loving memory of
Thomas Lang
who died at Brockscoombe
in this parish Dec 17th 1911
Aged 79 years
Also Elizabeth
wife of the above
who died June 15th 1894
Aged 68 years
Our Lord is great, we'll not complain
But hope to meet in Heaven again.
Eliza Dinnis Laycock, 1919070Eliza DinnisLaycock1919In loving memory of
John Thomas Laycock
late school-master of the parish
who peacefully passed away
10th January 1898
Aged 49 years
So he giveth his beloved sleep
Also of
Eliza Dinnis
Beloved wife of the above
who died 24th June 1919
Aged 61 years
At rest
John Thomas Laycock, 1893070John ThomasLaycock1893In loving memory of
John Thomas Laycock
late school-master of the parish
who peacefully passed away
10th January 1898
Aged 49 years
So he giveth his beloved sleep
Also of
Eliza Dinnis
Beloved wife of the above
who died 24th June 1919
Aged 61 years
At rest
Albert Leaman, 1942268AlbertLeaman1942(at end, side by side)
Albert Leaman
died 11th Dec 1942 aged 78 years
Ellen Leaman
died 13th Dec 1937 aged 71 years
Ellen Leaman, 1937268EllenLeaman1937(at end, side by side)
Albert Leaman
died 11th Dec 1942 aged 78 years
Ellen Leaman
died 13th Dec 1937 aged 71 years
Jean Mabel Levene, 1999146Jean MabelLevene1999In loving memory of
Jean Mabel Levene
of Chimsworthy Farm
Beloved mother and grandmother
Agnes Lovell, 2004103AgnesLovell2004In loving memory of
Agnes Lovell
daughter of the above
who passed away
26th April 2004
Aged 94 years
At rest.
Amelia Grace Lovell, 1913081Amelia GraceLovell1913This was the Lord's doing and is marvellous in our eyes
In loving memory of
John Lovell
of South Barton in this parish
who died January 31st 1894
aged 53 years
The cup is bitter, the blow severe
To part with one we love so dear
The trial is hard, we'll not complain
but trust in Christ to meet again
Also of
Amelia Grace
beloved wife of the above
who died May 22nd 1913
aged 64 years
Long nights and days she bore her pain
To think of cure was all in vain
The one above he thought it best
To take her home with Him to rest
Ann Lovell, 1886083AnnLovell1886In memory of
William Lovell
who died … 1879
Aged 70
Ann his beloved wife
died Dec 26 1886 Aged 74
John Lovell, 1885082JohnLovell1885In memory of
John Lovell
(of Risdon in this parish)
who died July 12th 1885
aged 52 years
… We all do fade as a leaf
John Lovell, 1894081JohnLovell1894This was the Lord's doing and is marvellous in our eyes
In loving memory of
John Lovell
of South Barton in this parish
who died January 31st 1894
aged 53 years
The cup is bitter, the blow severe
To part with one we love so dear
The trial is hard, we'll not complain
but trust in Christ to meet again
Also of
Amelia Grace
beloved wife of the above
who died May 22nd 1913
aged 64 years
Long nights and days she bore her pain
To think of cure was all in vain
The one above he thought it best
To take her home with Him to rest
Lilian Susan Lovell, 1973143Lilian SusanLovell1973L. Lovell
Dec. 12th 1973
Aged 60
Mary Lovell, 1906218MaryLovell1906In loving memory of
the beloved wife of
John Lovell
of Risdon in this parish
who died March 24th 1906
Aged 78 years
There remaineth therefore a rest
to the people of God.
Mary Lovell, 1954102Mary Ann WordenLovell1954In loving memory of
beloved husband of
Mary Lovell
who passed away at Mendea
Jan. 31st 1948
Aged 67 years.
Until the day dawns.
Also Mary
beloved wife of the above
fell asleep Sept. 1st 1954
Aged 70 years
Robert Lovell, 1948102RobertLovell1948In loving memory of
beloved husband of
Mary Lovell
who passed away at Mendea
Jan. 31st 1948
Aged 67 years.
Until the day dawns.
Also Mary
beloved wife of the above
fell asleep Sept. 1st 1954
Aged 70 years
William Lovell, 1879083WilliamLovell1879In memory of
William Lovell
who died … 1879
Aged 70
Ann his beloved wife
died Dec 26 1886 Aged 74
William Charles Lovell, 1965142William CharlesLovell1965W. Lovell
Feb. 23rd 1965
Aged 63
John Luxmoor, 1675240JohnLuxmoor1675(on side)
In the year of our Lord 1674 … 42 ...
(on face)
… to the memory of
John … of this parish
Also of

Temperance Luxmoor, 1711240TemperanceLuxmoor1711(on side)
In the year of our Lord 1674 … 42 ...
(on face)
… to the memory of
John … of this parish
Also of

Ann Luxton, 1884090AnnLuxton1884In affectionate remembrance of
Ann Luxton
the beloved wife of
Henry Luxton of Breazle
who died Dec 25th 1884
aged 62 years
Also of
Elizabeth Ann Luxton
daughter of the above
who died at Breazle
April 28th 1887
aged 25 years
Blessed are the pure in heart
For they shall see God. Matt v.8
Charlotte Luxton, 1880091CharlotteLuxton1880In loving memory of
Charlotte Luxton
who fell asleep in Jesus
at Breazle Nov 29th, 1880.
Aged 13 years
Thy will be done.
Elizabeth Ann Luxton, 1887090Elizabeth AnnLuxton1887In affectionate remembrance of
Ann Luxton
the beloved wife of
Henry Luxton of Breazle
who died Dec 25th 1884
aged 62 years
Also of
Elizabeth Ann Luxton
daughter of the above
who died at Breazle
April 28th 1887
aged 25 years
Blessed are the pure in heart
For they shall see God. Matt v.8
Elizabeth Ann Luxton, 1927272Elizabeth AnnLuxton1927In loving memory of
Richard Luxton
of Chelmsworthy
died March 23rd 1927
aged 72 years
Elizabeth Ann
his beloved wife
died Sept 21st 1927
aged 66 years
Them that sleep in Jesus shall
God bring with Him.
Ernest Thomas Luxton, 1923273Ernest ThomasLuxton1923In loving memory of
Ernest Thomas
the beloved son of
Richard & Elizabeth Luxton
of Chelmsworthy
who departed this life
Oct. 6th 1923
aged 35 years.
Peace Perfect Peace
Fred Luxton, 1941
(image only) ,
277FredLuxton1941In loving remembrance of
the dearly beloved husband of
Hettie Luxton
who died at Hillside
October 9th 1941
aged 49 years
Until the day break.
Also Hettie
beloved wife of the above
who died March 8th 1976
aged 82 years
At rest
Hettie Luxton, 1976
(image only) ,
277HettieLuxton1976In loving remembrance of
the dearly beloved husband of
Hettie Luxton
who died at Hillside
October 9th 1941
aged 49 years
Until the day break.
Also Hettie
beloved wife of the above
who died March 8th 1976
aged 82 years
At rest
Richard Luxton, 1927272RichardLuxton1927In loving memory of
Richard Luxton
of Chelmsworthy
died March 23rd 1927
aged 72 years
Elizabeth Ann
his beloved wife
died Sept 21st 1927
aged 66 years
Them that sleep in Jesus shall
God bring with Him.
Susanna Luxton, 1880100Susanna (Susan)Luxton1880In memory of
Susanna wife of
Roger Luxton
of this parish who died Jan 27
1880 aged 66 years.
Farewell, dear friends, since I must go
with Jesus. That I love
and may, my children, all prepare
to meet in Heaven above.
Elizabeth Manning, 1913296ElizabethManning1913(at end)
Elizabeth Manning,
born 24th July 1825,
died 10th July 1913
(at top)
Caroline Mary Jones,
born 19th March 1821,
died 1st February 1903
Albert Edward Martin, 1996175Albert EdwardMartin1996Treasured Memories of
a devoted wife and mother
Gwendoline Carrie Martin
died 7th Jan. 1993
Aged 73 years
Albert Edward
beloved husband and father
died 30th December 1996
aged 81 years.
Gwendoline Carrie Martin, 1993175Gwendoline CarrieMartin1993Treasured Memories of
a devoted wife and mother
Gwendoline Carrie Martin
died 7th Jan. 1993
Aged 73 years
Albert Edward
beloved husband and father
died 30th December 1996
aged 81 years.
James Martin, 1868106JamesMartin1868Sacred to the Memory of
James Martin
of Wishworthy in the parish of Lawhitton
who died Dec. 1st 1868
aged 70 years.
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.
John Martin, 1857250JohnMartin1857(on left)
Sacred to the memory of
John Martin
of this parish
who departed this life
the 18th day of August 1857
Aged 65 years

(on right)
Sacred to the memory of
Mary Martin
wife of John Martin
who died the 11th day of April 1859
Aged 64 years
Mary Martin, 1859107MaryMartin1859Sacred to the memory of
Mary Martin
wife of James Martin
of the parish of Lawhitton
who died the 13th day of April 1859
aged 63 years
My Husband dear - forbear to grieve
My Children cease to mourn
He that at first my Spirit gave
To Him it must return
Hope then in Christ the bleeding lamb
Who all our sorrows bore
That we in Heaven may meet again
Where we shall part no more
Mary Martin, 1859250MaryMartin1859(on left)
Sacred to the memory of
John Martin
of this parish
who departed this life
the 18th day of August 1857
Aged 65 years

(on right)
Sacred to the memory of
Mary Martin
wife of John Martin
who died the 11th day of April 1859
Aged 64 years
William Martin, 1856108WilliamMartin1856Sacred in the memory of
William Martin
of this parish
who departed this life
the 14th day of May 1856
Aged 34 years
Farewell lov'd partner of my youthful breast
Now past the reach of sorrow to molest
Who can forget thy tenderness so kind
I still have much to bring it to my mind
Farewell I enter the joys of bliss divine
And wear a crown of glory ever thine.
William James Martin, 1865024William JamesMartin1865Erected in Memory of William James Martin
son of James and Susanna Martin of this parish
who died this 7th day of April 1865
(In sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to Eternal life
through our Lord Jesus Christ.)
Aged 21 years
Elizabeth Martyn, 1798205ElizabethMartyn1798Here lies the body of
Elizabeth Martyn
the wife of Richard Martyn
of this parish
who died January the 3rd 1798
Aged 71 years
Farewell my loving friend …
Do good the time you live
For death …
Samuel Martyn, 1825
(image only) ,
145SamuelMartyn1825Sacred to the memory of
Samuel Martyn
of this parish who died
the 5th day of May 1825
Aged 59 years
Christina Mary Mayne, 2001034Christina MaryMayne2001In loving memory of dear parents & grandparents
Charlie Mayne
Chrissie Mayne
Frederick Charles Mayne, 1994034Frederick CharlesMayne1994In loving memory of dear parents & grandparents
Charlie Mayne
Chrissie Mayne
Beatrice Howard Jackson McConnell, 1929008Beatrice Howard JacksonMcConnell1929In loving remembrance of Beatrice
widow of C J McConnell
Rector of Pylle, Somerset
Died 26 April 1929
Aged 62
May she rest in peace

In loving memory of Olive
daughter of C J McConnell
Died 6 April 1940
Aged 53 years
In sure and certain hope
in the Resurrection to eternal life
Olive McConnell, 1929008Olive McConnell1929In loving remembrance of Beatrice
widow of C J McConnell
Rector of Pylle, Somerset
Died 26 April 1929
Aged 62
May she rest in peace

In loving memory of Olive
daughter of C J McConnell
Died 6 April 1940
Aged 53 years
In sure and certain hope
in the Resurrection to eternal life
Charles Medland, 1980125CharlesMedland1980Gladys Margaretta
Charles Medland
Always in our thoughts
Gladys Margaretta Medland, 1958125Gladys MargarettaMedland1958Gladys Margaretta
Charles Medland
Always in our thoughts
Julia Membury, 1896007JuliaMembury1896In memory of Julia Membury
died June 17 1896
Aged 61 years
A friend that sticketh closer than brother
Mary Metter, 1833247MaryMetter1833
William Metter
late of Little-Burrow
in the parish
who departed this 1st day of April
Aged 70 years
At Rest
Also Mary his wife
who died the 24th day of September
Aged 68 years
William Metter, 1825247WilliamMetter1825
William Metter
late of Little-Burrow
in the parish
who departed this 1st day of April
Aged 70 years
At Rest
Also Mary his wife
who died the 24th day of September
Aged 68 years
Louisa Moore, 1924295LouisaMoore1924In loving memory of
Louisa Moore
who died April 3rd 1924
aged 59 years
Elizabeth Mounce, 1979134ElizabethMounce1979William Mounce
and his wife
At Rest
William Mounce, 1953134William ThomasMounce1953William Mounce
and his wife
At Rest
Freda Mary Moyse, 1968138Freda MaryMoyse1968In loving memory of
Freda Mary
Beloved wife of Wilfred John Moyse
who passed away 6th July 1968
Aged 46 years
Also of Wilfred John Moyse
Reunited on the 6th Sept. 2005
Aged 89 years
At peace
Wilfred John Moyse, 2005138Wilfred JohnMoyse2005In loving memory of
Freda Mary
Beloved wife of Wilfred John Moyse
who passed away 6th July 1968
Aged 46 years
Also of Wilfred John Moyse
Reunited on the 6th Sept. 2005
Aged 89 years
At peace
Florence Isabella Neno, 1991177Florence IsabellaNeno1991In loving memory of
William John Neno
Died 27th December 1990
Aged 91 years
Also his beloved wife
Florence Isabella
Died 30th January 1991
Aged 88 years.
William John Neno, 1991177William JohnNeno1991In loving memory of
William John Neno
Died 27th December 1990
Aged 91 years
Also his beloved wife
Florence Isabella
Died 30th January 1991
Aged 88 years.
John Northcott, 1844080JohnNorthcott1844Sacred to the memory of
John Northcott
son of Thomas & Jane Northcott
of the parish of Germans-week
Died the 6th day of May 1844
Aged 22 years
Also of Thomas
their son who died the 22nd
day of July 1846
Aged 22 years
Now we must leave our friends in tears,
We were took off in prime of years,
Both old and young all that have breath
When God sees fit must yield to death
Thomas Northcott, 1846080ThomasNorthcott1846Sacred to the memory of
John Northcott
son of Thomas & Jane Northcott
of the parish of Germans-week
Died the 6th day of May 1844
Aged 22 years
Also of Thomas
their son who died the 22nd
day of July 1846
Aged 22 years
Now we must leave our friends in tears,
We were took off in prime of years,
Both old and young all that have breath
When God sees fit must yield to death
William Thomas Ogborne, 1971036William ThomasOgborne1971William Thomas Ogborne
of Fursdon
Anthony O151AnthonyO'Shea2009R.I.P.
Anthony O'Shea
2 Jul 1924 - 4 Feb 2009
Inolvidable Ser Humano
A wonderful family man.
You inspired all who met you.
You are greatly missed.
(image only) ,
John Palmer, 1931
135aJohn PearcePalmer1931(side one)
To the dear memory of John
beloved husband of
Nellie Palmer called to rest
July 19th 1931
(side two)
Also of Nellie who fell asleep
March 29th 1935
Mary Palmer, 1838040MaryPalmer1838In memory of
Mary Palmer
the wife of
Richard Palmer
late of Burrow
in this parish
who died the 10th day
of February 1838
aged 85 years
Mary Palmer, 1876022MaryPalmer1876In loving memory of Richard Palmer
who died March 26th 1867,
Aged 75 years.
Also of Mary his wife
who died December 26th 1876
Aged 82 years.
Mary Kate Palmer, 1878021Mary KatePalmer1878In loving memory of Mary Kate
The beloved child of Nicholas & Betsy Palmer
who died May 1st 1878, aged 7 month.
He shall gather the lambs in his arms and carry them in his bosom.
Nicholas Palmer, 1871
(image only) ,
023NicholasPalmer1871In memory of
Nicholas Palmer
of this parish
who died March 4th 1871
Nicholas Palmer, 1892017NicholasPalmer1892In loving memory of Nicholas Palmer
who died April […] 1892
Aged 51 years
Also Betsy
Beloved wife of the above
[…] Aug 21 1916
Aged 73 years
Richard Palmer, 1829228RichardPalmer1829
Richard Palmer
of Burrow in this parish who
departed life the 18th
day of May 1829
Aged 76 years
Richard Palmer, 1867022RichardPalmer1867In loving memory of Richard Palmer
who died March 26th 1867,
Aged 75 years.
Also of Mary his wife
who died December 26th 1876
Aged 82 years.
(image only) ,
Nelllie Palmer, 1935
135bNelllie Palmer (Jones)1935(side one)
To the dear memory of John
beloved husband of
Nellie Palmer called to rest
July 19th 1931
(side two)
Also of Nellie who fell asleep
March 29th 1935
John Peard, 1756048JohnPeard1756Here lyth the body of
John Peard of this
parish who departed this life on the … day
of … 1756 Aged …
John Peard, 1809049JohnPeard1809In memory of
John Peard
of this Parish who
departed this life
in hope of Eternal
Life the 8th
day of February
53 years
John Peard, 1815050JohnPeard1815
John Peard
of this Parish
who departed this life in hopes of
a blessed … on the
4th day of April 1815
Aged 28 years
Mary Peard, 1826047MaryPeard1826Sacred
to the Memory of
Mary Peard
the wife of John Peard
of this parish
expired the 4th day of May
Aged 73 years
At length her soul has reached the land of peace
Her pains are ended and her sorrow cease
Calm she resign'd, and with a heart as pure
Patient to suffer as of age mature
My Children dear grieve not for me (is vain)
In Heaven I trust we all shall meet again.
Jane Pengelly, 1877088JanePengelly1877In memory of
Oliver Veale Pengelly
late of Headson House
in this parish
who departed this life at his residence
in Barnstaple the 27th day
of October 1874 aged 70 years
Also in affectionate remembrance of
Jane Pengelly
wife of the above
who died February 8th 1877
aged 65 years
Jenny Pengelly, 1805087JennyPengelly1805This stone is erected by Oliver
Veale Pengelly of Barnstaple
In Memory of
Thomas Pengelly
late of Headson
in this Parish, Yeoman
who died the 10th day of Oct 1842
aged 69 years
Also to the memory of
Jenny Pengelly
his wife
who died the 22nd day of Oct 1805
aged 30 years
This world is vain and full of pain
With care and trouble sore
But they are blest who are at rest
With Christ for-ever more
Joanna Pengelly, 1904112JoannaPengelly1904In loving memory of
John Pengelly
of Little Grindhill, Bratton Clovelly
who died May 27th 1901
Aged 76 years
Also of Joanna his wife
who died Oct 2nd 1904
Aged 84 years
Thy will be done.
John Pengelly, 1824086JohnPengelly1824This stone is erected by
Oliver Veale Pengelly of Barnstaple
to the memory of
John Pengelly
son of Thomas and Jenny Pengelly
late of Headson in this parish
who died the 19th day of February 1824
aged 23 years
Also to the memory of
Thomas Pengelly
son of the above Thomas and Jenny Pengelly
who died the 24th day of September 1842
aged 39 years
Here lie two brothers once of kindred mind
Beloved through life to all their hearts were kind
Their grave receives a Brothers tender tear
And fond affection feels the sigh sincere.
John Pengelly, 1901112JohnPengelly1901In loving memory of
John Pengelly
of Little Grindhill, Bratton Clovelly
who died May 27th 1901
Aged 76 years
Also of Joanna his wife
who died Oct 2nd 1904
Aged 84 years
Thy will be done.
Oliver Veale Pengelly, 1874088Oliver VealePengelly1874In memory of
Oliver Veale Pengelly
late of Headson House
in this parish
who departed this life at his residence
in Barnstaple the 27th day
of October 1874 aged 70 years
Also in affectionate remembrance of
Jane Pengelly
wife of the above
who died February 8th 1877
aged 65 years
Thomas Pengelly, 1842086ThomasPengelly1842This stone is erected by
Oliver Veale Pengelly of Barnstaple
to the memory of
John Pengelly
son of Thomas and Jenny Pengelly
late of Headson in this parish
who died the 19th day of February 1824
aged 23 years
Also to the memory of
Thomas Pengelly
son of the above Thomas and Jenny Pengelly
who died the 24th day of September 1842
aged 39 years
Here lie two brothers once of kindred mind
Beloved through life to all their hearts were kind
Their grave receives a Brothers tender tear
And fond affection feels the sigh sincere.
Thomas Pengelly, 1842087ThomasPengelly1842This stone is erected by Oliver
Veale Pengelly of Barnstaple
In Memory of
Thomas Pengelly
late of Headson
in this Parish, Yeoman
who died the 10th day of Oct 1842
aged 69 years
Also to the memory of
Jenny Pengelly
his wife
who died the 22nd day of Oct 1805
aged 30 years
This world is vain and full of pain
With care and trouble sore
But they are blest who are at rest
With Christ for-ever more
William Wooldridge Pengelly, 1900113William WooldridgePengelly1900In loving memory of
William Wooldridge Pengelly
who died at Little Grindhill
in this parish 31st March 1900
Aged 49 years
Them also which sleep in Jesus
will God bring with them.
Joseph J.G. Penprase, 1934
(image only) ,
270Joseph J.G.Penprase1934In loving memory of
Joseph J.G. Penprase
of Higher Coombe Park
died April 7th 1934
Aged 60 years
At rest
Samuel Perkin, 1869202SamuelPerkin1869Beneath repose the Earthly
Remains of
Samuel Perkin
of the parish of Lewtrenchard
who died Sept 25th 1869
Aged 62 years
What is your life? It is even a
vapour that appeareth for a little time
and then passeth away
Also of
Susan Elizabeth
beloved wife of the above
who died Jan 29th 1894
Aged 85 years
Looking unto Jesus
Susan Elizabeth Perkin, 1894202Susan ElizabethPerkin1894Beneath repose the Earthly
Remains of
Samuel Perkin
of the parish of Lewtrenchard
who died Sept 25th 1869
Aged 62 years
What is your life? It is even a
vapour that appeareth for a little time
and then passeth away
Also of
Susan Elizabeth
beloved wife of the above
who died Jan 29th 1894
Aged 85 years
Looking unto Jesus
Maria Phare, 1809197MariaPhare1809
In the hope of …
Eternal … the remains
of William Phare
… 23rd day of April
in the year of our Lord 1807
aged 50 years
Also Maria Phare
daughter died the 5th day
of August 1809 aged 9 years
Susan Phare, 1862198SusanPhare1862Sacred to the memory of
Susan Phare
daughter of Richard & Alice Phare
of this parish
who died the 19th day of
August 1862
aged 20 years
William Phare, 1807197WilliamPhare1807
In the hope of …
Eternal … the remains
of William Phare
… 23rd day of April
in the year of our Lord 1807
aged 50 years
Also Maria Phare
daughter died the 5th day
of August 1809 aged 9 years
Alice Phear, 1877196AlicePhear1877… Remembrance …
Alice Phear
who departed this life
28th Feb 1877
Ann Phear, 1837238AnnPhear1837This stone is erected to
the memory of
John Phear
late of this parish
who died the 10th day of February
Aged 82 years
And of Ann Phear
his wife
who died the 27th day of May 1837
Aged 69 years
James Phear, 1913249JamesPhear1913In loving memory of
James Phear
who died Jan. 10th 1913
Aged 86 years
Until the day breaks and the
shadows flee away
John Phear, 1838238JohnPhear1838This stone is erected to
the memory of
John Phear
late of this parish
who died the 10th day of February
Aged 82 years
And of Ann Phear
his wife
who died the 27th day of May 1837
Aged 69 years
Albert Ambrose Pike, 1966035Albert AmbrosePike1966In loving memory of dear brothers and uncles
Ambrose Pike
David Pike
David Pike, 2002035DavidPike2002In loving memory of dear brothers and uncles
Ambrose Pike
David Pike
Mary P Pike, 2015035Mary PPike2015In loving memory of a dear aunty
Mary Pike
Mary Pine, 1794248MaryPine1794Mary Pine
Aged [31?]
Wilmot Pine
Aged 62
Wilmot Pine, 1817248WilmotPine1817Mary Pine
Aged [31?]
Wilmot Pine
Aged 62
Leslie Brian Pitts, 2003157Leslie BrianPitts2003Treasured Memories of
Leslie Brian Pitts
who fell asleep 9.11.2003
Aged 63 years
Dearly loved husband
father and grandfather
Always in our hearts
Till we meet again
Patience Dorothy Reddaway, 1981158Patience DorothyReddaway1981In loving memory of
Patience Dorothy Reddaway
who died June 2nd 1981
Aged 75 years.
Robert A. C. Renny, 1980159Robert A. C.Renny1980In loving memory of
Robert A.C. Renny
Died 27th July 1980
Aged 67 years.
Agnes Rice, 1905093AgnesRice1905In loving memory of
the beloved wife of
Thomas Paige Rice
of Chumdon, Bridestowe
who died March 9th 1905
aged 46 years
God takes our loved ones from our homes,
but never from our hearts.
Also of Thomas,
beloved husband of the above
who died Nov 16th 1923
Aged 75 years.
At rest.
Albert William Rice, 1926
(image only) ,
288Albert WilliamRice1926In loving memory of
Albert William
beloved husband of
Elizabeth Rice
who died at Beckett
who died Sept. 3rd 1926
aged 42 years
Until the day break and the shadows flee away.
Also of Elizabeth
died July 14th 1941
aged 54 years
Unknown191AnnRice1824.. memory
[ANN] the [Wife of]
.... who departed
..2.. [Jan]uary 182(4)?
[AL]SO ...... SO[N?]
of the above died J.....
[.]6 Years
...of ... died ......
Charlotte Rice, 1870254CharlotteRice1870In memory of
wife of
William Rice
(of Wrexhill)
died January 7th, 1870
Aged 60 years
Francis James Rice, 1988148Francis JamesRice1988Francis James Rice
died 30th Dec 1987
aged 86 years
once of Morson Farm
George Rice, 1812011GeorgeRice1812This stone is
is erected here to perpetuate
the beloved memory of
John Rice
Yeoman of this parish
who departed the 18th of May
in the year of our Lord 1807
Also George Rice
son of the above
the Memory of
of ......... in the Parish
of [Lewtrenchard?]
who departed this life
[.] day of March 1819
A[ge]d 50 Y[ears]
George Rice, 1886189GeorgeRice1886In loving memory of
George Rice
of Morson Farm in this parish
who died April 30th 1886
aged 82 years
Also of
wife of the above
who died July 5th 1882
aged 71 years
Them also which sleep in Jesus
Who God bring with Him
George William Rice, 1914
(image only) ,
184George WilliamRice1914In loving memory of
George William Rice
of Morson in this parish
who died at Horwood
September 28th 1914
aged 72 years
Also of Louisa
wife of the above
who died at Horwood
December 27th 1906
aged 65 years.
Know that my Redeemer liveth
George William Rice, 1961
(image only) ,
183George WilliamRice1961In loving memory of
George William Rice
of Morson in this parish
who died Dec. 14th 1961
aged 84 years.
At rest.
Hannah Rice, 1882189HannahRice1882In loving memory of
George Rice
of Morson Farm in this parish
who died April 30th 1886
aged 82 years
Also of
wife of the above
who died July 5th 1882
aged 71 years
Them also which sleep in Jesus
Who God bring with Him
James Rice, 1822186JamesRice1822To the beloved memory of
James Rice
son of William and …
of Morson in this parish
who departed this life the 16th day
of June 1822 aged 27 years
James Rice, 1838063JamesRice1838To the Memory of
James Rice
son of Roger and
Elizabeth Rice
of this parish
who died the 17th day of March
Aged 3 years
A precious child is buried here
Who to his parents was most dear
God took him hence when he thought best
To reign with him in peace and rest.
James Rice, 1841067JamesRice1841In memory of
James Rice
of this parish
who died the 6th day of July
Aged 84 years
My body sleeps here in the dust
Free from all grief and pain
My spirit is return'd to rest
In hopes to rise again
And then to hear that joyful call
That Christ will give to just men all.
James Paige Rice, 1893185James PaigeRice1893In memory of
James Paige Rice
of Morson in this parish
who died Oct 9th 1893
aged 42 years
Jane Rice, 1895071JaneRice1895In loving memory of
the beloved wife of
John Rice
who died 7th Sept 1895
Aged 59 years
Blessed are the Dead
which die in the Lord
Also the above named
John Rice
of this parish
who died 23rd April 1905 Aged 76
The Lord is my light and my salvation
John Rice, 1807011JohnRice1807This stone is
is erected here to perpetuate
the beloved memory of
John Rice
Yeoman of this parish
who departed the 18th of May
in the year of our Lord 1807
Also George Rice
son of the above
John Rice, 1827188JohnRice1827Sacred to the memory of
Mary Rice
wife of William Rice
of Morson in this parish who
expired the 26th day of February
1827 - aged 65 years
John son of the above who
died the 14th day of August 1827
aged 29 years
John Rice, 1905071JohnRice1905In loving memory of
the beloved wife of
John Rice
who died 7th Sept 1895
Aged 59 years
Blessed are the Dead
which die in the Lord
Also the above named
John Rice
of this parish
who died 23rd April 1905 Aged 76
The Lord is my light and my salvation
Louisa Rice, 1907
(image only) ,
184LouisaRice1907In loving memory of
George William Rice
of Morson in this parish
who died at Horwood
September 28th 1914
aged 72 years
Also of Louisa
wife of the above
who died at Horwood
December 27th 1906
aged 65 years.
Know that my Redeemer liveth
Mary Rice, 1817013MaryRice1817Erected in the memory of Mary Rice
wife of George Rice of […]
in the parish of Lewtrenchard
who departed this life the 28th day of November 1818
aged 50 years
Also Mary daughter of the above
died the 30th day of Dec 1816
aged 20 years
Mary Rice, 1818013MaryRice1818Erected in the memory of Mary Rice
wife of George Rice of […]
in the parish of Lewtrenchard
who departed this life the 28th day of November 1818
aged 50 years
Also Mary daughter of the above
died the 30th day of Dec 1816
aged 20 years
Mary Rice, 1827188MaryRice1827Sacred to the memory of
Mary Rice
wife of William Rice
of Morson in this parish who
expired the 26th day of February
1827 - aged 65 years
John son of the above who
died the 14th day of August 1827
aged 29 years
Mary Rice, 1836068MaryRice1836In loving memory of
Mary Rice
The wife of
James Rice
of this parish who died
the 3rd day of September 1836
Aged 69 years
Weep not for my (ten) Children
Prepare to come unto the herd
Provide I pray for …
Mary Rice, 1870069MaryRice1870In memory of
Samuel Rice
who died … December 1843
Aged 34 years
Mary Rice
who died … January 1870
Mary Ann Rice, 1831187Mary AnnRice1831Sacred to the memory of
William Rice son of
William and Mary Rice of
Morson in this parish who died
the 8th day of September 1831
aged 42 years
Also Mary Ann Rice who died
the 28th day of July 1831
aged 25 years
Also Thomas Rice who died
the 2nd day of July 1818
aged 18 years
Miriam Mary Rice, 1883190Miriam MaryRice1883In loving memory of
Miriam Mary Rice
who departed this life
... Nov 1883
aged 31 years
Samuel Rice, 1843069SamuelRice1843In memory of
Samuel Rice
who died … December 1843
Aged 34 years
Mary Rice
who died … January 1870
Stephen Rice, 1824012StephenRice1824To the memory of Stephen Rice
son of James and Mary
Thomas Rice, 1818187ThomasRice1818Sacred to the memory of
William Rice son of
William and Mary Rice of
Morson in this parish who died
the 8th day of September 1831
aged 42 years
Also Mary Ann Rice who died
the 28th day of July 1831
aged 25 years
Also Thomas Rice who died
the 2nd day of July 1818
aged 18 years
Thomas Rice, 1923093Thomas PaigeRice1923In loving memory of
the beloved wife of
Thomas Paige Rice
of Chumdon, Bridestowe
who died March 9th 1905
aged 46 years
God takes our loved ones from our homes,
but never from our hearts.
Also of Thomas,
beloved husband of the above
who died Nov 16th 1923
Aged 75 years.
At rest.
William Rice, 1831187WilliamRice1831Sacred to the memory of
William Rice son of
William and Mary Rice of
Morson in this parish who died
the 8th day of September 1831
aged 42 years
Also Mary Ann Rice who died
the 28th day of July 1831
aged 25 years
Also Thomas Rice who died
the 2nd day of July 1818
aged 18 years
William Rice, 1838253WilliamRice1838Beneath this stone
are laid the remains of
William Rice Yeoman
late of Wrixell in this parish
died the 20th day of March 1838
Aged 36 years
(across side and top)
… daughter Charlotte wife of George Alfred,
2nd son of Robert Corker Symons
William Rice, 1866255WilliamRice1866In memory of
William Rice
died January 4th, 1866
Aged 30
Dorothy Rose Richards, 1995173Dorothy RoseRichards1995In loving memory of
Dorothy Rose Richards
Died 16th May 1995
Aged 92 years
Henry Richard Rider Richards, 1937
(image only) ,
278Henry Richard RiderRichards1937In loving memory of
Henry Richard Rider Richards
who fell asleep
October 13th 1937
aged 73 years
Also of Rosa his beloved wife
who fell asleep
June 28th 1957
John Richards, 1907111JohnRichards1907In memory of
Mary Ann
the beloved wife of John Richards
who died 28th August 1881
aged 49 years
Blessed are the dead which die
in the Lord for the rest from
their labour
John Richards
beloved husband of the above
who died September 14th 1907
Aged 72 years
Mary Ann Richards, 1881111Mary AnnRichards1881In memory of
Mary Ann
the beloved wife of John Richards
who died 28th August 1881
aged 49 years
Blessed are the dead which die
in the Lord for the rest from
their labour
John Richards
beloved husband of the above
who died September 14th 1907
Aged 72 years
Rosa Richards, 1957
(image only) ,
278RosaRichards1957In loving memory of
Henry Richard Rider Richards
who fell asleep
October 13th 1937
aged 73 years
Also of Rosa his beloved wife
who fell asleep
June 28th 1957
Charlotte Roberts, 1916258CharlotteRoberts1916Peace Perfect Peace
In loving memory of
the beloved husband of
Charlotte Roberts,
of Trebick, Thrushelton
who departed to be with Christ
Oct. 19th 1914
Aged 69 years.
He giveth his beloved sleep.
Also Charlotte,
the beloved wife of the above
who fell asleep in Jesus
Dec. 21st 1916
Aged 70 years.
Safe in the arms of Jesus,
Safe on his gentle breast,
Thereby His love o'ershaded,
Sweetly their souls do rest.
John Roberts, 1887052JohnRoberts1887John Roberts
of the parish
of Thrushelton
who died Feb …
John Roberts, 1887053JohnRoberts1887In loving memory of
John Roberts
of Trebick in the Parish
(of Thrushelton)
who died Feb 18th 1887
Aged 85 years
Also of Mary, Wife of the Above,
who died March 26th 1872
Aged 61 years
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord
Maria Roberts, 1958
(image only) ,
251MariaRoberts1958In loving memory of
my dear sister
Maria Roberts
late of Trebick
died 12th June 1958.
Aged 76.
At rest.
Mary Roberts, 1872053MaryRoberts1872In loving memory of
John Roberts
of Trebick in the Parish
(of Thrushelton)
who died Feb 18th 1887
Aged 85 years
Also of Mary, Wife of the Above,
who died March 26th 1872
Aged 61 years
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord
Samuel Roberts, 1914258SamuelRoberts1914Peace Perfect Peace
In loving memory of
the beloved husband of
Charlotte Roberts,
of Trebick, Thrushelton
who departed to be with Christ
Oct. 19th 1914
Aged 69 years.
He giveth his beloved sleep.
Also Charlotte,
the beloved wife of the above
who fell asleep in Jesus
Dec. 21st 1916
Aged 70 years.
Safe in the arms of Jesus,
Safe on his gentle breast,
Thereby His love o'ershaded,
Sweetly their souls do rest.
Mary Robins, 1890201MaryRobins1890In memory of
Mary Robins
(relict of John Robins)
who died 9th Jan 1890
Aged 54 years
Also of her daughter
Mary Grace Robins
who died 25th Sept 1891
Aged 21 years
My peace I give unto you not as the
World giveth give I unto you
Mary Grace Robins, 1891201Mary GraceRobins1891In memory of
Mary Robins
(relict of John Robins)
who died 9th Jan 1890
Aged 54 years
Also of her daughter
Mary Grace Robins
who died 25th Sept 1891
Aged 21 years
My peace I give unto you not as the
World giveth give I unto you
Alice Mary Rundle, 1917127Alice MaryRundle1917Rest in Peace
Alice Mary Rundle
August 25th 1917, Aged 63
Thomas Sole Rundle, M.A.
Rector of this parish 1909-1920
18th October 1932 Aged 86
Life Eternal
Elizabeth Rundle, 1823193ElizabethRundle1823Sacred to the beloved memory of
Elizabeth Rundle
wife of John Rundle of
this Parish who departed this
life the 19th day of July 1823
Aged 68 years
John Rundle, 1828194JohnRundle1828Sacred to the memory of
John Rundle
of Lower Voaden in this
parish who died the 9th
day of September 1828
aged 76 years
Dear children and dear grandchild too
Farewell for I must …
Thomas Sole Rundle, 1932127Thomas SoleRundle1932Rest in Peace
Alice Mary Rundle
August 25th 1917, Aged 63
Thomas Sole Rundle, M.A.
Rector of this parish 1909-1920
18th October 1932 Aged 86
Life Eternal
Anne Sampson, 1897121AnneSampson1897In loving memory of
Samuel Sampson
who died at Bratton Mill
February 2nd 1894
Aged 69 years
Also Anne
beloved wife of the above
who died January 15th 1897
Aged 65 years
Thy will be done
Mary Sampson, 1874120MarySampson1874In loving memory of
Samuel Sampson
who died at Bratton Clovelly
Nov 26th 1914
Aged 44 years
Also of Mary
sister of the above
who died March 21st 1874
Aged 8 years
There remaineth therefore a rest
to the people of God
Mary Sampson, 1874122MarySampson1874In loving memory of
Mary Sampson
Samuel Sampson, 1894121SamuelSampson1894In loving memory of
Samuel Sampson
who died at Bratton Mill
February 2nd 1894
Aged 69 years
Also Anne
beloved wife of the above
who died January 15th 1897
Aged 65 years
Thy will be done
Samuel Sampson, 1914120SamuelSampson1914In loving memory of
Samuel Sampson
who died at Bratton Clovelly
Nov 26th 1914
Aged 44 years
Also of Mary
sister of the above
who died March 21st 1874
Aged 8 years
There remaineth therefore a rest
to the people of God
Edward Seymour, 1898009EdwardSeymour1898In memory of Edward Seymour
who died on All Saints Day 1898
Aged 74
for 38 years Rector of this parish
The Souls of all Righteous are in the Hand of
God and there shall no torment touch them
Ann Shopland, 1821256AnnShopland1821Erected …
memory of
Thomas Shopland
of this parish who departed this life
… 25th day of March 1821
Aged 71 years
Ann his wife who departed
this life the 2nd day of April 1821 61 years

Also Sally Shopland
… 5th day of February 1820
in the 28th year of her age
Sally Shopland, 1820256SallyShopland1820Erected …
memory of
Thomas Shopland
of this parish who departed this life
… 25th day of March 1821
Aged 71 years
Ann his wife who departed
this life the 2nd day of April 1821 61 years

Also Sally Shopland
… 5th day of February 1820
in the 28th year of her age
Thomas Shopland, 1821256ThomasShopland1821Erected …
memory of
Thomas Shopland
of this parish who departed this life
… 25th day of March 1821
Aged 71 years
Ann his wife who departed
this life the 2nd day of April 1821 61 years

Also Sally Shopland
… 5th day of February 1820
in the 28th year of her age
Agnes Mary Simmons, 1977029Agnes MarySimmons1977Agnes Mary Simmons
Nicholas Palmer Simmons, 1992028Nicholas PalmerSimmons1992Nicholas Palmer Simmons
Ronald Born Simmons, 1994030Ronald BornSimmons1994Ronald Born Simmons
Grace Sleeman, 1914073GraceSleeman1914In loving memory of
Thomas Sleeman
of Kale-house in this parish
who died 2nd April 1897
Aged 57 years
"Be ye therefore ready also for the son
of man cometh at an hour when ye think not."
Also of
Grace Sleeman
wife of the above
who entered into rest Jan 14th
1914 Aged 70 years
Weep not for me, the God of Love
hath claimed me for his own
Fix all your thoughts and hopes above
and meet me at his throne.
Thy will be done.
Thomas Sleeman, 1897073Thomas BakerSleeman1897In loving memory of
Thomas Sleeman
of Kale-house in this parish
who died 2nd April 1897
Aged 57 years
"Be ye therefore ready also for the son
of man cometh at an hour when ye think not."
Also of
Grace Sleeman
wife of the above
who entered into rest Jan 14th
1914 Aged 70 years
Weep not for me, the God of Love
hath claimed me for his own
Fix all your thoughts and hopes above
and meet me at his throne.
Thy will be done.
Edith Annie Smale, 1924
(image only) ,
281Edith AnnieSmale1924Sacred to the memory of
Edith Annie
beloved only child of
H.J. & I.P. Smale
who suddenly fell asleep
March 8th 1924
aged 54 years
For ever with the Lord
(image only) ,
Henry J Smale, 1924
289aHenry JSmale1924(at foot)
Sacred to the memory of
(right side)
Henry J. Smale
who died March 15th 1924
aged 75 years
(at top)
At rest
(left side)
Also of his beloved wife
Ilet Pellow Smale
who fell asleep 2nd January 1932
aged 83 years
(image only) ,
Ilet Pellow Smale, 1932
289bIlet PellowSmale1932(at foot)
Sacred to the memory of
(right side)
Henry J. Smale
who died March 15th 1924
aged 75 years
(at top)
At rest
(left side)
Also of his beloved wife
Ilet Pellow Smale
who fell asleep 2nd January 1932
aged 83 years
Alice Smallacombe, 1849109AliceSmallacombe1849Sacred to the memory of
Alice Smallacombe
wife of
George Smallacombe
of this Parish
who departed this life
the 17th day of April 1849
Aged 44 years
Within this Grave lies hid the mouldering dust
Of her whose soul we hope is with the just
She with a christian courage did assign
Her soul to GOD at this appointed time.
Beloved by all while in this world she stayed
Lamented more is in the grave now laid
Departed hence unto the joys above
To her Redeemer and the God above.
Fanny Smallacombe, 1873203FannySmallacombe1873In memory of
John Smallacombe
of this parish
Who died Dec. 1st 1862,
Aged 59 years.
In thy presence is fulness of joy;
at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.
Also Fanny Wife
of the Above
Died March 12, 1873,
Aged 70 years.
I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness.
Psl XVII.15.
George Smallacombe, 1847110GeorgeSmallacombe1847To the Memory of
George Smallacombe
of this parish
who departed this life
the 11th day of October 1847
Aged 47 years
An honest man sincere and free from strife
Who blameless passed this vale of human life
His worth approv'd belov'd his upright mind
Prepar'd for future bliss, his breath resigned
Of manners mild to all who knew him dear
The tender Husband, best of friends lies here
Whose darling wish was comfort to impart
And to the poor with kind indulgent heart
True to the Church and mindful of his God
The christians course on earth he wisely trod
Reader! His life contemplate for thy guide
He lived respected and lamented died.
John Smallacombe, 1862203JohnSmallacombe1862In memory of
John Smallacombe
of this parish
Who died Dec. 1st 1862,
Aged 59 years.
In thy presence is fulness of joy;
at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.
Also Fanny Wife
of the Above
Died March 12, 1873,
Aged 70 years.
I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness.
Psl XVII.15.
Philip Sampson, 1837123PhilipSmallacombe1837Sacred to the memory of
Philip Smallacombe
Of this parish
Who departed this life
the 23rd day of
October 1837
Aged 60 Years
Thomas Smallacombe, 1826204ThomasSmallacombe1826Sacred to the memory of
Thomas Smallacombe
Son of Leonard and Joanna
Smallacombe of this parish
departed this life the 1st day of
March 1826 aged 5 years
Since God to take my child thought fit
I'll be content to part with it
Because I know His heavenly grace
Will ... it for better place
Richard Smith, 1816055RichardSmith1816Sacred to the beloved memory of
William Smith
Wheel-wright of this Town who
departed this life the 10th day of
January 1820. Aged 32 Years
Weep not my tender wife
And you my Children dear
God thought it fit to take my life
Just in my blooming year
I left my wife and children dear
Unto the God of Israel's care
To whom I trust that he will bless
The widow and the fatherless
Richard son of the above
died the 12th day of July 1816
Aged 3 years
William Smith, 1820055WilliamSmith1820Sacred to the beloved memory of
William Smith
Wheel-wright of this Town who
departed this life the 10th day of
January 1820. Aged 32 Years
Weep not my tender wife
And you my Children dear
God thought it fit to take my life
Just in my blooming year
I left my wife and children dear
Unto the God of Israel's care
To whom I trust that he will bless
The widow and the fatherless
Richard son of the above
died the 12th day of July 1816
Aged 3 years
Richard Soper, 1771074RichardSoper1771Richard Soper
was buried Here the
28th day of August
1771. Aged 29
Farewell my tender Mother Dear
my Brothers sister and my friends
I hope in Heaven to see you all
when all things cease and have then Ends
Grace Squire, 1897119GraceSquire1897In loving memory of
Grace daughter of
James and Martha Taylor
of Reed in this parish
beloved wife of Francis Squire
Wansley Barton Roborough
who died Feb 12th 1897
Aged 76 years
Agnes Stacey, 1970299AgnesStacey1970In memory of
Arthur Richard Stacey
died 1921 aged 24
and his wife
died 1970 aged 74
Arthur Richard Stacey, 1921299Arthur RichardStacey1921In memory of
Arthur Richard Stacey
died 1921 aged 24
and his wife
died 1970 aged 74
Thirza Stacey, 1906092ThirzaStacey1906In loving memory of
the beloved wife of
Shadrack Stacey
of Chemsworthy, Bratton Clovelly
who died June 4th, 1906
Aged 49 years
Gone but not forgotten
We all do fade as a leaf
John Stanbury, 1857263JohnStanbury1857Sacred to the memory of
Susanna Stanbury
wife of William Stanbury
of Raddon in the parish
of Bridestowe
who departed this life
the 27th day of May 1857.
Aged 51 years.
Also John Stanbury
son of the above
who departed this life
the 7th day of April 1857.
Aged 29 years.
Susanna Stanbury, 1855263SusannaStanbury1855Sacred to the memory of
Susanna Stanbury
wife of William Stanbury
of Raddon in the parish
of Bridestowe
who departed this life
the 27th day of May 1855.
Aged 51 years.
Also John Stanbury
son of the above
who departed this life
the 7th day of April 1857.
Aged 29 years.
Charlotte Symons, 1902253CharlotteSymons1902Beneath this stone
are laid the remains of
William Rice Yeoman
late of Wrixell in this parish
died the 20th day of March 1838
Aged 36 years
(across side and top)
… daughter Charlotte wife of George Alfred,
2nd son of Robert Corker Symons
Elizabeth Taylor, 1908116ElizabethTaylor1908In memory of
James Taylor
of Reed Farm in this parish
who died Jan 31st 1879
Aged 54 years
Also of Jessie
his daughter
who died May 20th 1867
Aged 8 months
Also Elizabeth
wife of the above
who died June 5th 1908
Aged 82 years
James Taylor, 1856118JamesTaylor1856Sacred to the memory of
James Taylor
yeoman of this parish
who departed this life
May 18th 1856
the 70th year of his life
Also of Martha his wife
who died Feb 24th 1879
Aged 88 years
James Taylor, 1879116JamesTaylor1879In memory of
James Taylor
of Reed Farm in this parish
who died Jan 31st 1879
Aged 54 years
Also of Jessie
his daughter
who died May 20th 1867
Aged 8 months
Also Elizabeth
wife of the above
who died June 5th 1908
Aged 82 years
Jessie Taylor, 1867116JessieTaylor1867In memory of
James Taylor
of Reed Farm in this parish
who died Jan 31st 1879
Aged 54 years
Also of Jessie
his daughter
who died May 20th 1867
Aged 8 months
Also Elizabeth
wife of the above
who died June 5th 1908
Aged 82 years
Martha Taylor, 1879118MarthaTaylor1879Sacred to the memory of
James Taylor
yeoman of this parish
who departed this life
May 18th 1856
the 70th year of his life
Also of Martha his wife
who died Feb 24th 1879
Aged 88 years
Ethel Tickell, 1995147EthelTickell1995In loving memory of
Ronald Leonard Tickell
of Chimsworthy Farm
1922 - 1988
and his mother
Ethel Tickell
1897 - 1995
of Chimsworthy Farm
Ronald Leonard Tickell, 1988147Ronald LeonardTickell1988In loving memory of
Ronald Leonard Tickell
of Chimsworthy Farm
1922 - 1988
and his mother
Ethel Tickell
1897 - 1995
of Chimsworthy Farm
Catherine Tickle, 1868226CatherineTickle1868Sacred to the memory of
William Tickle
(Bannadon in this parish)
who died May 28th 1858
Aged 56.
Also of
Catherine Tickle
wife of the above
who died April 3rd 1868
Aged 65.
Thomas Tickle, 1810225ThomasTickle1810
In Humble hopes of a joyfull
… the remains of
Thomas Tickle
… in this parish

died 4th day of June in
the Year of our Lord 1810
the 85 year of …
William Tickle, 1856224WilliamTickle1856This stone
is erected to the memory of
William Tickle
son of
Will[m] & Catherine Tickle
of Bannadon
in this parish
who departed this life
the 19th day of May 1856
Aged 31 years
He exchanged his earthly coronet,
For a heavenly crown.
William Tickle, 1858226WilliamTickle1858Sacred to the memory of
William Tickle
(Bannadon in this parish)
who died May 28th 1858
Aged 56.
Also of
Catherine Tickle
wife of the above
who died April 3rd 1868
Aged 65.
Emmanuel Tucker, 1824010EmmanuelTucker1824Sacred to the memory of four beloved children
sons of John and Elizabeth Tucker of this parish
who departed this life in the innocence of childhood
William died May the 16th 1820 Aged 1 Month
Also John died June 24th 1821 Aged 11 Weeks
Also William another son
died December the 8th 1822 Aged 7 Weeks
Emmanuel died July 12th 1824 Aged 9 months
Four lovely children buried here
How early was their flight.
Twas God's decree their Souls should be
With Holy Angels bright.
John Tucker, 1821010JohnTucker1821Sacred to the memory of four beloved children
sons of John and Elizabeth Tucker of this parish
who departed this life in the innocence of childhood
William died May the 16th 1820 Aged 1 Month
Also John died June 24th 1821 Aged 11 Weeks
Also William another son
died December the 8th 1822 Aged 7 Weeks
Emmanuel died July 12th 1824 Aged 9 months
Four lovely children buried here
How early was their flight.
Twas God's decree their Souls should be
With Holy Angels bright.
William Tucker, 1820010WilliamTucker1820Sacred to the memory of four beloved children
sons of John and Elizabeth Tucker of this parish
who departed this life in the innocence of childhood
William died May the 16th 1820 Aged 1 Month
Also John died June 24th 1821 Aged 11 Weeks
Also William another son
died December the 8th 1822 Aged 7 Weeks
Emmanuel died July 12th 1824 Aged 9 months
Four lovely children buried here
How early was their flight.
Twas God's decree their Souls should be
With Holy Angels bright.
William Tucker, 1822010WilliamTucker1822Sacred to the memory of four beloved children
sons of John and Elizabeth Tucker of this parish
who departed this life in the innocence of childhood
William died May the 16th 1820 Aged 1 Month
Also John died June 24th 1821 Aged 11 Weeks
Also William another son
died December the 8th 1822 Aged 7 Weeks
Emmanuel died July 12th 1824 Aged 9 months
Four lovely children buried here
How early was their flight.
Twas God's decree their Souls should be
With Holy Angels bright.
Grace Voaden, 1821217GraceVoaden1821
Grace Voaden
wife of John Voaden
of this parish
… 21st day of Jan 1821
Aged 62 years
John Voaden, 1838216JohnVoaden1838Erected
to perpetuate the memory of
John Voaden
of Reed in this parish
who departed this life the 7th day
of December 1838
Aged 75 years
Richard Voaden, 1831227RichardVoaden1831Sacred to the memory of
Richard Voaden
of this parish
who departed this life
the 16th day of Jan 1831
Aged 30 years
Susanna Voaden, 1823115SusannaVoaden1823
remains of
Wife of John Voaden of the Parish
of Sourton and Daughter of
William and Grace Baskerville
of the Parish of …
departed this mortal life …
9th day of December 1823
Aged 37 Years
ALSO are deposited the remains of
Susanna daughter of the above
John and Susanna Voaden ...
10th day of January 1824
Aged 5 Years
Susanna Voaden, 1824115SusannaVoaden1824
remains of
Wife of John Voaden of the Parish
of Sourton and Daughter of
William and Grace Baskerville
of the Parish of …
departed this mortal life …
9th day of December 1823
Aged 37 Years
ALSO are deposited the remains of
Susanna daughter of the above
John and Susanna Voaden ...
10th day of January 1824
Aged 5 Years
William Voaden, 1873104WilliamVoaden1873In memory of
William Voaden
late of North Russel
in the parish of Sourton
who departed on the
… of April 1873
Aged 74 years
Agnes Margaret Watt, 1957124aAgnes MargaretWatt1957In loving memory of
Edith Frances
the beloved wife of
Richard Attfield late D.I.
Royal Irish Constabulary
and adored sister of
Agnes Watt
who passed away at
The Cottage, Bratton Clovelly
16th August 1955
Auf Widersehen
Death doth hide but not divide
She is but on God's other side
(on side)
Also of
Agnes Margaret Watt
27.6.57 Aged 85 years
(on other side)
Richard Attfield
South Africa
World Wars I & II
Mary Williams, 1788041MaryWilliams1788Reader improve the precious time
In memory of Mary the wife
of John Williams of the Parish
of Lamerton, Shee was here buried
the 15th day of June in the 33rd year
of her age and in the year 1788
Farewell vain world to thy delucive charms
Escap'd from thee I fly to Jesus arms.
On seraphs wings my happy spirit towers
To joyn the Anthems with celestial powers
So tender Husband and my Children dear
Ye soon in Judgment shall with me apear
So now prepare God's mercy to implore
That we may praise Jehovan evermore.
Alice Mary Wimpey, 1889241Alice MaryWimpey1889In memory of
Alice Mary
daughter of John & Ann Wimpey
died 22nd Dec 1889
Aged 8 years
Suffer the Children to cometh …
Annie Maria Wimpey, 1927243Annie MariaWimpey1927In memory of
John Wimpey
died Nov. 14th 1919
Aged 74 years
Also Annie Maria his wife
died July 17th 1927
Aged 85 years
(on side)
Also of their son
Samuel George
died March 20th 1950
Aged 66 years
At rest
Also of John
beloved husband of
Kate Wimpey
died May 9th 1956
Aged 77 years
Thy will be done.
Benjamin Wimpey, 1890245BenjaminWimpey1890In memory of
Benjamin Wimpey
of this parish
died the 4th day of April 1890
Aged 77 years
Also of Joanna
wife of the above
who died the 21st day of February 1882
Aged 72 years
Joanna Wimpey, 1882245JoannaWimpey1882In memory of
Benjamin Wimpey
of this parish
died the 4th day of April 1890
Aged 77 years
Also of Joanna
wife of the above
who died the 21st day of February 1882
Aged 72 years
John Wimpey, 1919243JohnWimpey1919In memory of
John Wimpey
died Nov. 14th 1919
Aged 74 years
Also Annie Maria his wife
died July 17th 1927
Aged 85 years
(on side)
Also of their son
Samuel George
died March 20th 1950
Aged 66 years
At rest
Also of John
beloved husband of
Kate Wimpey
died May 9th 1956
Aged 77 years
Thy will be done.
John ??, 1956243aJohnWimpey1956In memory of
John Wimpey
died Nov. 14th 1919
Aged 74 years
Also Annie Maria his wife
died July 17th 1927
Aged 85 years
(on side)
Also of their son
Samuel George
died March 20th 1950
Aged 66 years
At rest
Also of John
beloved husband of
Kate Wimpey
died May 9th 1956
Aged 77 years
Thy will be done.
Joseph Wimpey, 1795244JosephWimpey1795Beneath this lies the remains of
Joseph Wimpey
who died December the 16th
in the [83rd?] year of his age
Samuel Wimpey, 1899246SamuelWimpey1899In loving memory of
Samuel Wimpey
who died at Eversfield
24th Oct. 1899, aged 61 years
I shall be satisfied when I awake
with thy likeness
Samuel George Wimpey, 1950243aSamuel GeorgeWimpey1950In memory of
John Wimpey
died Nov. 14th 1919
Aged 74 years
Also Annie Maria his wife
died July 17th 1927
Aged 85 years
(on side)
Also of their son
Samuel George
died March 20th 1950
Aged 66 years
At rest
Also of John
beloved husband of
Kate Wimpey
died May 9th 1956
Aged 77 years
Thy will be done.
William Wimpey, 1814242WilliamWimpey1814Beneath this stone
lies the remains of
William Wimpey Esquire
who died the 17th day of
August 1814
in the year
of his age
Laura Grace Wivell, 1893114Laura GraceWivell1893In memory of
Laura Grace
the beloved wife of
James Wivell
who died at Reed Farm
of this parish
23rd of May 1893
Aged 31 years
Mary Wooldridge, 1919229MaryWooldridge1919Sacred to the memory of
William Wooldridge
of this parish
who departed this life
the 18th day of March 1865
Aged 45 years
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord
from henceforth: Yea, saith the spirit,
that they may rest from their labours
and their works do follow them."
Also Mary Wooldridge,
daughter of the above
who died 11th May 1919
Aged 61 years
Her end was peace.
Sarah Wooldridge, 1879230SarahWooldridge1879In memory of
beloved daughter of
William & Mary Wooldridge
of Risdon Farm
Bratton Clovelly
who died April 21, 1879
Aged 23 years
William Wooldridge, 1865229WilliamWooldridge1865Sacred to the memory of
William Wooldridge
of this parish
who departed this life
the 18th day of March 1865
Aged 45 years
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord
from henceforth: Yea, saith the spirit,
that they may rest from their labours
and their works do follow them."
Also Mary Wooldridge,
daughter of the above
who died 11th May 1919
Aged 61 years
Her end was peace.
Evelyn Christine Worden, 2009178Evelyn ChristineWorden2009Treasured Memories of
Evelyn Chrstine Worden
(nee Blight)
Formerly of Ellacott Barton
1st October 1913
6th February 2009
A very dear aunt
and friend
Doris Irene Worth, 2006282Doris IreneWorth2006In loving memory of
a dear husband & father
Percival Ernest Worth
died Aug 13th 1969.
Aged 50 years.
Also Doris Irene Worth
a beloved wife & mother
reunited January 14th 2006.
Aged 87 years.
Harriet Worth, 1919105HarrietWorth1919In loving memory of
John Worth
who died Nov 6 1921
Aged 80 years
Also Harriet
his beloved wife
who died July 29th 1919
John Worth, 1921105JohnWorth1921In loving memory of
John Worth
who died Nov 6 1921
Aged 80 years
Also Harriet
his beloved wife
who died July 29th 1919
Percival Ernest Worth, 1969282Percival ErnestWorth1969In loving memory of
a dear husband & father
Percival Ernest Worth
died Aug 13th 1969.
Aged 50 years.
Also Doris Irene Worth
a beloved wife & mother
reunited January 14th 2006.
Aged 87 years.
Martha Youlden, 1828237MarthaYoulden1828Sacred to the memory of
Martha Youlden
[wife of?]
Francis Youlden
Great Wide-Field
in the parish of Inwardleigh
who departed this life the 3rd
day of November 1828
Aged 61 years
Unknown137(no name)UnknownIn loving memory243416108
Unknown 149 (no name) Unknown 243458068
Unknown 149 (no name) Unknown 243458068