Manor Roll M9 1627-1628 Estreats (Fines)

The following manor document is a set of estreats for ten court sessions, Devon Heritage Centre reference 314M/M/9. Estreats included fines, amercements and other payables due to help those responsible for collecting the monies.

If you wish to search for a specific surname, you can use the search box at the top right corner of the table below. Beware that spellings were not standardised in this timeframe so watch out for the interchange of ‘f’ and ‘v’, the interchange of ‘i’ and ‘y’, changed or omitted vowels and other variations that might arise when names are being spelled like they sound to the person creating the record.

For the Reeve of Bratton
19 Oct 1627
(front right)
Manor of BrattonEstreat of the law court with view of frankpledge held in the same place on the nineteenth day of October 1627.
1s 3dOf Sir Thomas Wyes <3d>, of the Noble Order of the Bath, knight, the heirs of Sir William Kirckham <3d>, knight, Sir
Shilston Callmady <3d>, knight, John Moore <3d>, esquire, John Dynham <3d>, esquire, free tenants which owed suit
then and made default.
Wyes, Kirckham, Callmady, Moore, Dynham
1s 6dOf Richard Chastie <9d> and William Pengellie <9d>, common suitors, for certain defaults at several courts.Chastie, Pengellie
1sOf Hillary Hill, conventionary tenant, for his default then.Hill
6dOf Christopher May <3d> and John Pryn <3d> for their defaults.May, Pryn
1s 3dOf Thomas Burnebury <3d>, gent, Oliver Spry <3d>, George May <3d,> Thomas Hopper <3d>, Oliver Bickell <3d>, suitors of the said court at twice by the year.Burnebury, Spry, May, Hopper, Bickell
1sOf Daniel Downe <3d>, Moses Vodon <3d>, Henry Eastcott <3d> and Roger Pengelly <3d>, sensors, for not paying their sensors’ rent.Downe, Vodon, Eastcott, Pengelly
1s 6dOf Moses Vodon <6d>, David Vodon <6d> and Richard Vodon <6d> for certain defaults upon a presentment.Vodon
6dOf Richard Blagdon <6d> for certain defaults in trespass at the suit of John Mettar.Blagdon, Mettar
2sOf Henry Pengellie <2s> for diverse defaults upon a presentment.Pengellie
6dOf Henry Eastcott <6d> for certain defaults in a plea of trespass to the suit of Oliver Bickle.Eastcott, Bickle
1sOf Henry Pengelly <1s> for diverse defaults upon a presentment.Pengelly
1s 6dOf the same [Henry] Pengelly <1s 6d> for 9 diverse defaults upon a presentment plea of trespass at the suit of Daniel Downe.Pengelly, Downe
1sOf Henry Eastcott <1s> for certain defaults in upon a presentment.Eastcott
1sOf Beniamen Stombury <1s> for 10 defaults in an action of trespass at the suit of John Dynham, esquire.Stombury, Dynham
6dOf Thomasine Peirce <6d>, widow, for ten defaults in trespass at the suit of Oliver Bickell.Peirce, Bickell
[6d]Of Richard Pengellie <6d> for diverse defaults in a plea of debt at the suit of Thomas Cripson.Pengellie, Cripson
9dOf William Pengellie <9d> for ten defaults in a plea of debt to the suit of Thomas Pengellie.Pengellie
6dOf Charity Knight <6d> for 10 defaults in a plea of debt to the suit of Moses Lanyford, gent.Knight, Lanyford
9dOf Thomas Cripson <9d> or Roger May his surety for 10 defaults in a plea of trespass to the suit of Hillary Hill.Cripson, May, Hill
6dOf William Pengellie <6d> for 10 defaults in a plea of debt to the suit of the said Hill.Pengellie, Hill
6dOf Tristram Hodge <6d> or David May his surety for 10 defaults in a plea of trespass to the suit of John Saunders.Hodge, May, Saunders
Turn the leaf
(reverse left)1sOf Henry Pengellie <1s> for 10 defaults upon a presentment.Pengellie
1sOf Robert Crocker <6d> and David Vodon <6d> alias Birsely for 4 defaults in a plea of taking to the suit of David Vodon.Crocker, Birsely
6dOf William Pengellie <6d> of Fursdon for one default and a licence in a plea of trespass upon the case to the suit of John Pellow and his wife.Pengellie, Pellow
3dOf Richard Pengellie <3d> the younger for a licence in a plea of debt to David May’s suit.Pengellie, May
6dOf Timothy Norrish [for] 10 defaults in an action of debt to the [suit] of John Saunders.Norrish, Saunders
3dOf John Chastie <3d> for a licence in a plea of debt at the suite of Christopher May.Chastie, May
6dOf Charity Knight <6d> of … defaults in a plea of trespass upon the case at [the] suit of Richard StereKnight, Stere
6dOf Thomas Cockeram <6d> for one default and a licence in a plea of trespass to the suit of John Mettar.Cockeram, Mettar
3dOf John Mettar <3d> for a licence in a plea of trespass to the suit of Hillary Hill.Mettar, Hill
3dOf the same [John] Mettar for a licence in another action of trespass to the suit of the same Hill.Mettar, Hill
3dOf John Vodon <3d> or David May his pledge for a licence in trespass to the suit of David Vodon.Vodon, May
3dOf Hillary Hill <3d> for a licence in a plea of trespass to the suit of John Mettar.Hill, Mettar
3dOf William Morckham <3d> [for] a [licence] with William Pengellie … … trespass.Morckham, Pengellie
3dOf Henry Pengellie <3d> for a licence with Moises May in trespass.Pengellie, May
3dOf Henry Pengellie <3d> for a licence in a plea of debt to the suit of Jo: Incledon, gent.Pengellie, Incledon
3dOf Thomas Robyns <3d>, gent, or Timothy Basely his surety, for a licence in trespass with Jo: Mettar.Robyns, Basely, Mettar
3sOf Roger Pengellie <2s> and William Mitchell <1s> being summoned in a jury for the King at this Law Court and made default.Pengellie, Mitchell
6dOf Timothy Norrish <6d> for certain defaults in a plea of debt to the suit of John Pryn.Norrish, Pryn
1sOf the tithing <1s> of Bratton for 10 defaults upon a presentment.
1sOf John Arscott for 4 defaults in a … … to the suit of S[i]r Shilston Callmady …Arscott, Callmady
6 Nov 1627
(reverse left)
Manor of BrattonEstreat of the court [held] in the same place on the sixth day of November 1627.
3dOf John Pryn <3d> or David May his surety for a licence in trespass at the suit of Thomas Corindon, gent.Pryn, May, Corindon
3dOf Simon Eastabrooke <3d> for a licence with Henry Corindon, gent, in trespass.Eastabrooke, Corindon
3dOf Henry Chastie <3d> for a licence with the said Mr [Henry] Corindon in trespass.Chastie, Corindon
6dOf Thomas Cockeram <6d> for one default and a licence in trespass to the suit of John Mettar.Cockeram, Mettar
3dOf John Mettar <3d> for a licence with the same Thomas Cockeram in trespass.Mettar, Cockeram
18 Dec 1627
(reverse right)
Manor of BrattonEstreat of the court held in the same place on the 18th day of December 1627.
9dOf Richard Pengellie the younger <9d> for 8 defaults in a plea of debt to the suit of John Pryn.Pengellie, Pryn
3 Feb 1627
(reverse right)
Manor of BrattonEstreat of the court held on the third of February 1627.
3dOf Richard Pengellie <3d> of Vowston for a licence with John Chastie in trespass.Pengellie, Chastie
3dOf Thomas Cockeram <3d> for a licence in trespass with the said [John ] Chastie.Cockeram, Chastie
3dOf John Chastie for a licence with Thomas Cockeram in trespass.Chastie, Cockeram
6dOf William Mitchell for certain defaults upon a presentment.Mitchell
17 Mar 1627
(reverse right)
Manor of BrattonCourt held in the same place on the 17th day of March 1627.
3dOf John Weekes <3d> or Edmund Lavers his surety for a licence in trespass to the suit of Christopher May.Weekes, Lavers, May
4dOf Andrew Lauxford <4d> for a non-prosecution with William Pengellie of Fursdon in debt.Lauxford, Pengellie
3dOf John Mettar <3d> for a licence in debt to the suit of Richard Eveleigh, clerk.Mettar, Eveleigh
5 May 1628
(reverse right)
Manor of BrattonEstreat of the law court held in the same place on the fifth day of May in the year of our Lord 162[8].
1s 3dOf Sir Thomas Wyes <3d> of the honourable Order of the Bath, knight, the heirs of Sir William Kirckham <3d>, knight, Sir Shilston Callmadie <3d>, knight, John Moore <3d>, esquire, and John Dynham <3d>, esquire, free tenants which owed suit then and made default.Wyes, Kirckham, Callmady, Moore, Dynham
6sOf Hillary <6s> Hill, conventionary tenant, [for] his default at six several courts.Hill
1sOf John Pryn <6d> and Henry Pengellie <6d> of Cala[?] house for their defaults at <4> several courts. Pryn, Pengellie
1sOf Thomas Burnebury <3d>, gent, Oliver Spry <3d>, George May <3d> and Oliver Bickell <3d>, suitors of the aforesaid court twice per year, for their defaults then.Burnebury, Spry, May, Bickell
6dOf the Tything <6d> of Bratton for certain defaults upon a presentment.
5s 3dOf William Norrish <9d>, William Morckham <9d>, Jeffery May <9d>, Nathaniell Durcke <9d>, Thomas Bligh <9d>, David Vodon <9d> and Richard Vodon <9d> for diverse defaults upon a presentment for not being sworn to the King’s Assizes.Norrish, Morckham, May, Durcke, Bligh, Vodon
9dOf John Spry <9d> f or David May his surety for certain defaults in a plea of trespass to the suit of Oliver Bickell.Spry, May, Bickell
6dOf William Blewett <6d> for 2 defaults in trespasses at the suit of the said [Oliver] Bickle or David May his surety.Blewett, Bickle, May
6dOf the same William <6d> Blewett or the same David May his said surety for the like defaults in another action of trespass at the suit of the said [Oliver] Bickell.Blewett, May, Bickell
(front left)3dOf Henry Chastie <3d> for a licence with Moses May in an action on the case.Chastie, May
4dOf Andrew Robyns <4d> for a non-prosecution with William Pengellie in debt.Robyns, Pengellie
3dOf Arthur Dodge <3d> for a licence with the said Andrew Robyns in debt.Dodge, Robyns
29 May 1628
(front left)
Manor of BrattonEstreat of the court held in the same place on the 29th day of May 1628.
3dOf Walter Pote <3d> or David Vodon his surety for a licence with John Chastie in trespass.Pote, Vodon, Chastie
3dOf the same [Walter] Pote <3d> or Stephen Hall his pledge for a licence with John Downe in trespass.Pote, Hall, Downe
3dOf the same [Walter] Pote <3d> or Henry May his surety for a licence with Thomas Northcott in trespass.Pote, May, Northcott
3dOf the same [Walter] Pote <3d> or David Vodon his surety for a licence in trespass to the suit of John May.Pote, Vodon, May
3dOf Thomas May <3d> or Stephen Hall his pledge for a licence with Jo: Downe, Jo: Chastie and Thomas Northcott in trespass.May, Hall, Downe, Chastie, Northcott
6dOf Edmond Luxmore <6d> or David May his pledge for certain defaults in trespass at William Mitchells suit.Luxmore, May
3dOf Walter Pote <3d> for a licence with Richard Chastie in trespass.Pote, Chastie
3dOf the same [Walter] Pote <3d> for a licence with David Vodon in trespass.Pote, Vodon
7 Jun 1628
(front left)
Manor of BrattonEstreat of the court held in the same place on the seventh day of June 1628.
3dOf Abell Berry <3d>, gent, or Henry May his surety, for a licence in trespass with David Vodon.Berry, May, Vodon
3dOf Thomas Cockeram <3d> for a licence with John Vodon in trespass.Cockeram, Vodon
3dOf John Vodon <3d> for a licence with the said Cockeram in trespass.Vodon, Cockeram
[2]sOf Moses May <6d>, Daniell Downe <6d>, William Mitchell <6d> and David May <6d> for certain defaults upon a presentment.May, Downe, Mitchell
8dOf the tithing <8d> of Bratton for 3 defaults upon a presentment.
8 Jul 1628
(front left)
Manor of BrattonEstreat of court held in the same place on the 8th day of July 1628
3dOf Jo: Smalrudge <3d> or Timothy Norrish his surety for a licence with David Vodon in trespass.Smalrudge, Norrish, Vodon
3dOf Fulcke Glowen <3d> or the said Norrish his pledge for a licence in trespass with the said [David] Vodon.Glowen, Norrish, Vodon
6dOf Roger Pengellie <6d> for 2 defaults in trespass with the said [David] Vodon.Pengellie, Vodon
3dOf Andrew Robins <3d> for a licence with the said [David] Vodon in trespass.Robins, Vodon
3dOf Edmond Polyne <3d> or Timothy Norrish his surety for a licence in trespass at the suit of John Saunders.Polyne, Norrish, Saunders
3dOf John Yoldon <3d> or David May his surety for licence in trespass at the suit of John Saunders.Yoldon, May, Saunders
6dOf Richard Pengellie the younger <6d> for 3 defaults in debt at <Jane White’s suit>.Pengellie, White
9dOf Richard Pengellie the elder <9d> for 3 defaults in debt at the suit of Beniamen Stambury.Pengellie, Stambury
19 Aug 1628Manor of BrattonEstreat of the court held in the same place on the 19th day of August 1628.
6dOf Tho: May <6d> or David Vodon his pledge for 2 defaults at John <Chasties suit>.May, Vodon, Chastie
3dOf Roger Pengellie <3d> for a licence with Tho: Corindon, gent, in trespass.Pengellie, Corindon
9dOf Tho: May <9d> or David Vodon his surety for a licence with William Northam, and for 2 defaults at Arthur Dodge’s suit in trespass.May, Vodon, Northam, Dodge
3dOf Roger Pengellie <3d> for a licence with Jo: Chastie and others in trespass on the case.Pengellie, Chastie
Jo: Chastie Moses May XChastie, May
Sum total …